Juli 2024 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 31 Juli 2024

[newdevjobsindo] [Vacancy Yayasan WWF Indonesia] People Engagement Officer - Jakarta

Yayasan WWF Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk bergabung dengan organisasi konservasi independen nasional di Indonesia. Yayasan WWF Indonesia, merupakan bagian dari jaringan global WWF. Yayasan WWF Indonesia saat ini sedang mencari kandidat terbaik untuk posisi People Engagement Officer. Posisi ini akan bekerja di Jakarta dan melapor langsung kepada Individual Donors Program Manager

Fungsi utama dari posisi ini dalam menjalankan tugasnya adalah memberikan dukungan aktivitas untuk mendapatkan member baru dan mempertahankan existing member yang berkaitan dengan pembuatan acara-acara secara luring dan daring melalui pengembangan dan penyusunan proposal, pengembangan materi komunikasi, dan segala hal terkait interaksi dengan donor dalam unit Individual Fundraising WWF-Indonesia, serta memastikan semua pekerjaan administrasi dan/atau persyaratan di dalam kegiatan Individual Fundraising terpenuhi sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi. 
Scope of Works:

  • Mengembangkan dan mengimplementasi ide-ide donor engagement dari segi luring maupun daring untuk meningkatkan interaksi antara Yayasan WWF Indonesia dengan donor, dan antara donor satu sama lain. 
  • Membuat dan mengembangkan materi komunikasi dalam bentuk substansi-substansi 
  • Mengimplementasikan berdasarkan daftar kebutuhan dari unit pendukung yang terdiri dari: 
    • Membership Retention (Materi komunikasi membership experience journey, LPM, collateral & media komunikasi lainnya terkait aktivitas retensi untuk member). 
    • Akuisisi (Materi-materi komunikasi untuk akuisisi, acara-acara untuk akuisisi member).\
  • Adanya inovasi dalam bentuk substansi materi komunikasi untuk retensi member yang dapat meningkatkan jumlah member yang loyal dan bertahan. 

Expected Output

  • Substansi materi komunikasi untuk komunikasi antar donor dan antara Yayasan WWF Indonesia dengan donor. Indikator: Substansi materi komunikasi yang dikembangkan setiap bulannya dan diunggah sesuai dengan jadwalnya. 
  • Acara & Kampanye WWF-Indonesia terkomunikasikan dalam bentuk artikel singkat, konten media sosial, dan berbagai bentuk konten lainnya untuk media digital. Indikator: Materi komunikasi tertulis maksimal H+2 setelah acara selesai. 
  • Inovasi kreatif dalam bentuk substansi dan ide-ide komunikasi yang dapat dipergunakan dengan baik oleh tim untuk meningkatkan tingkat engagement antara WWF Indonesia dan donor, dan antara donor satu sama lain


  • Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S-1) dari program studi ekonomi, pemasaran, komunikasi, atau lainnya yang relevan
  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun dalam bidang pemasaran di lapangan
  • Memiliki kegigihan untuk mencapai tujuan
  • Lebih disukai yang memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris tingkat menengah
  • Menyukai bekerja di lapangan (outdoor)

Silakan kirim CV/resume dan Surat Motivasi Anda ke email kami hr-recruitment@wwf.id dengan judul email People Engagement Officer - Jakarta.

Lowongan Kerja ini akan ditutup pada tanggal  14 Agustus 2024. Mohon dipahami bahwa kami hanya akan menghubungi kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan, kualifikasi dan kompetensi.

Yayasan WWF Indonesia selalu berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang inklusif, di mana keberagaman dihargai dan ada kesetaraan kesempatan.

[newdevjobsindo] USAID SELARAS Vacancy: Regional Manager for Tangerang and Penajam Paser Utara (PPU)



Regional Manager for Tangerang and Penajam Paser Utara (PPU)




The five-year, USAID SELARAS activity will address the limiting conditions for better solid waste management services in areas where USG investments can significantly reduce ocean plastic pollution while also partnering with private sector enterprises to scale interventions. Achieving this mutual goal will require a diverse approach to:  

1) strengthen solid waste sector governance and financing;  

2) improve and expand solid waste management services;

3) strengthen local markets and businesses;

4) improve social behaviors and practices; and  

5) improve systems for tracking and reducing methane emission.  


USAID SELARAS will work at national, provincial, and local levels of government. Partnering with key institutions and stakeholders, the Activity will provide timely, relevant, and foundational support to enable the GOI to make progress towards its development objectives of having 100 percent of solid waste managed by 2024 and reduction of marine plastic pollution by 70 percent by 2025.  


USAID SELARAS is looking for an excellent person with strong knowledge in Solid Waste Management (SWM) to be assigned as Regional Manager for Tangerang and Penajam Paser Utara (PPU). This position is based in Jakarta.


*Detail SOW will be provided once the candidate is selected.

Required Qualifications:

·       Graduate degree (S2) in a relevant subject matter, such as environmental management; public policy; natural, earth, or physical sciences; or business administration. May hold specialized certification(s).

·       At least 12 total years of professional experience, with at least 6 years of experience managing donor-funded climate change, SWM, circular economy, community development, local governance and civil society, or emergency/humanitarian assistance programs.

·       At least 5 years of management experience, coordinating project implementation and reporting to ensure that deadlines and targets are met.

·       Strong facilitation skills with government, civil society, private sector, and community partners.

·       Expertise in SWM, circular economy, waste/climate finance, project operations, or related technical area.

·       Familiarity with project operations and financial management.

·       Advanced proficiency in speaking and writing in English. Fluency in Indonesian

Preferred Qualifications:

·       At least 16 years of experience managing donor-funded SWM, circular economy, climate change, community development, local governance/civil society, or emergency/humanitarian assistance programs.

·       At least 10 years of management experience, coordinating project implementation and reporting to ensure that deadlines and targets are met.


Please see the application link and follow the instructions:







DAI is a global development company with corporate offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, EU, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Palestine and project operations worldwide. We tackle fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. DAI works on the frontlines of global development. Transforming ideas into action—action into impact. We are committed to shaping a more livable world.


DAI and its employees are committed to confronting racism and holding ourselves accountable for positive change within the company and in the communities, cultures, and countries in which we live and work.  DAI is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees from all races and backgrounds in our continued effort to become a better development partner. DAI upholds the highest ethical standards. We are committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment as well as other ethical breaches. All of our positions are therefore subject to stringent vetting and reference checks.


[newdevjobsindo] REPOST: HCD Advisor Consultant, JSI R&T, Inc., The HPV Vaccine Acceleration Program Partners Initiative (HAPPI) Project Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Scope of Work and Deliverables

      Purpose: Two consultants will provide HCD advising and oversight of a gender barrier learning study in Indonesia

Place of Performance: Jakarta, Indonesia

Period of Performance:  September 2024 (contingent on start date)– February 2025

Activity Manager: Brittany Iskarpatyoti

Activity Internal Project #:  30142.0004.0001


A.     Background


The HPV Vaccine Acceleration Program Partners Initiative (HAPPI) Consortium, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is a 3-year project designed to accelerate HPV vaccination in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Vaccination against HPV is recommended for adolescent young women prior to sexual debut to reduce cervical cancer related mortality and morbidity. It is critical to understand the barriers to accessing and accepting HPV vaccination among adolescent girls and their caregivers so that implementers can develop more effective interventions that address these barriers and increase to uptake in population groups less likely to receive the HPV vaccine. This activity will examine barriers and potential solutions to those gender-related HPV vaccination barriers at the individual, household, community, and health systems levels in Indonesia and Nigeria. The HCD approach will be used to put the adolescents and stakeholders at the center of the problem-solving by engaging them in a collaborative process to understand, think about, create, test, and implement solutions together for impactful and sustainable positive change. 


B.   Objectives


The primary objective is to better understand the gender-related related barriers to HPV immunization delivery and uptake and identify potential solutions to those barriers among adolescent young women, caregivers, and vaccine program stakeholders. This study will be conducted in Nigeria and Indonesia.


C.   Activities


Two individual consultants/ one firm will complete the following activities:

·        Support the IRB submission process of this protocol in Indonesia.

·        Prepare for, convene and facilitate four workshops with adolescent girls (ages 10-14), and young women (ages 15-18) (AGYW collectively) and their caregivers to explore gender-related barriers confronted throughout the process of seeking and receiving an HPV vaccination.

o   Use persona and journey mapping tools with adolescent girls and their caregivers during the workshop to collect data on enablers and barriers to HPV vaccination.

o   Facilitate small group ideation exercises to propose, prototype, and test solutions to overcome barriers.

·        Prepare for, convene, and facilitate a dissemination and refinement workshop with immunization stakeholders (e.g., district / regional Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) officers, Ministry of Health (MoH) personnel, Ministry of Education personnel, and Ministry of Gender personnel) to review low-fidelity intervention prototypes generated during co-design sessions with adolescent girls and young women.

·        Lead qualitative analysis of data from workshops.

·        Manage the development of learning and research products of findings.


D.   Deliverables and Schedule


The Contractor is responsible for the timely submission of the following deliverables, as part of the SOW:


Del. No.

Deliverable Name

Deliverable Description

Due Date*


IRB protocol submitted

The protocol for this study is submitted and approved by Indonesia's local IRB.

August 2024


Co-creation workshop agenda(s) and necessary tool revisions

Review and adjustment of the indicative workshop agenda that was drafted for the research protocol. This will be done in consultation with the rest of the relevant research activity team. The consultant will also review and adjust the specific tools to be used in the workshops.

August 2024


Content design and delivery of four AGYW workshops and their respective caregivers

Development of the session flow and slides for the AGYW and caregiver workshops. Successful delivery of the same workshops with eight AGYW and respectively, eight caregivers in stipulated regions

October 2024


Documentation from co-creation workshops (e.g., notes, photos of tools, etc.)

Documentation of organized and synthesized notes from the workshops accompanied by the relevant tools completed by AGYW and caregivers

November 2024


Summary report on workshop process and outputs

Development of summary report from all four co-creation workshops and outputs developed by participants. This includes resolving feedback on the report from the relevant research team

December 2024


Dissemination and refinement workshop agenda and necessary tool revisions

Review and adjustment of the indicative workshop agenda that was drafted for the research protocol. This will be done in consultation with the rest of the relevant research activity team. The consultant will also review and adjust the tools developed during the co-creation workshop.

January 2025


Content design and delivery of dissemination and refinement workshop

Development of the session flow and slides for the dissemination and refinement workshop. Successful delivery of the same workshop with district / regional EPI officers, Ministry of Health personnel, Ministry of Education personnel, and Ministry of Gender personnel)

February 2025


Summary report on dissemination and refinement workshop and outcomes

Development of summary report from dissemination and refinement workshop and outputs developed by participants. This includes resolving feedback on the report from the relevant research team 

February 2025

*Due dates subject to change subject to approval from the Activity Manager named in this scope


The total LOE is approximately equivalent to 40 days.


All required deliverables and reports shall be submitted to the JSI Activity Manager.



E.   Consultant Qualifications


General HCD mindsets and skills:

·        Values the quality of stakeholder experiences throughout the design and engagement process, consistently keeping in mind participant care and power dynamics, and creating communications and interactions that respect different contexts, strengths, and capabilities.

·        Curious and empathetic, listens to understand (vs test), and able to identify unarticulated needs, beliefs, and areas of opportunity (vs specific solutions)

·        Balances confidence, humility, and cross-cultural/-structural awareness in order to respectfully explore, question, and articulate assumptions, perspectives, reasoning, norms, biases, and blind spots — in self/individuals, organizations, systems

·        Past experience applying HCD process and/or tools preferred.

Skills that are specific to this engagement:

·        Experience engaging and working with subject matter / technical experts to quickly grasp a field of practice and understand where HCD approaches can contribute. Preferred familiarity with gender equitable and/ transformative research methods, concepts, and approaches

·        Experience designing and implementing outreach and engagement strategies

·        Experience facilitating workshops, preference for facilitation experience with young adolescents

·        Excellent plain language writing and editing skills

·        Familiarity with adult learning theories and their application into learning design and workshops

·        Familiarity with qualitative research methods.

·        Experience submitting to IRB in Indonesia.


Application Deadline: August 9, 2024


Potential Start Date: September 1, 2024


How to apply:

This posting is open to both individual consultants and consultancy firms. Interested candidates/firms who meet the qualifications should submit a resume (individual) or capability statement (firm) to chisu-indonesia@id.jsi.com and reference the job title: HCD Advisor Consultant. Due to the anticipated volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates and firms will be contacted. We appreciate your understanding and the time taken to apply.


Salary commensurate with experience.


JSI is committed to protecting the populations we serve from exploitation, sexual abuse, child abuse and child neglect. We are a child-safe organization and the safety and wellbeing of children is a priority of our organization, as is the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse in any form. We have zero-tolerance for such behavior and we will take every measure to prevent such incidents. We have robust recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff are suited to work with the communities served by our programs.

Selasa, 30 Juli 2024

[newdevjobsindo] [DEADLINE EXTENDED] Study on the Employability of Vocational Graduates in the Agri-Food Sector in ASEAN

We are looking for a Vocational Graduate Employability Study Consultant in the ASEAN Agri-Food Sector at the EU-ASEAN Sustainability Connectivity Package-Higher Education (SCOPE HE) Programme. Detail information: https://bit.ly/vacancyvg3007

If your team fits the criteria or someone you know may be interested in this role, submit your application to scope-he@nuffic.nl by 7 August 2024!


How to apply

Interested consultant/s should submit the following documents to scope-he@nuffic.nl and put “Study on Employability Application – Team Name” in the subject line.


• Proposal Submission Letter

• Technical Proposal, including:

o Description of approach

o Methodology

o Work plan for performing the assignment.

o Technical plan for the consultation meeting with relevant stakeholders

• Team Composition and Task Assignments Form

• Detailed and Comprehensive Financial Proposal

• Curriculum Vitae of all team members


This e-mail message, including any attachment(s) is intended only for the addressee(s) and might be confidential. If it was sent to you by mistake, please discard it immediately without using or passing on the information it contains. We kindly ask you to inform us about the mistaken delivery.

[newdevjobsindo] Vacancy Announcement "Livelihood Development & Community Engagement Specialist"

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) works in over 60 countries to save wildlife and wild places through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. WCS has worked in Indonesia for over 20 years supporting the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in conserving Indonesia's biodiversity in several priority landscapes. WCS works closely with relevant government agencies, local communities, schools and universities, and the private sector. Further details of our program are available at https://indonesia.wcs.org and about WCS's global work at https://www.wcs.org.

The WCS Indonesia Program (WCS-IP) is structured around five core thematic programs: Forests, Marine, Wildlife Trade and Policy, One Health, and Rights & Communities. Within this framework, WCS-IP is actively developing its Rights and Communities Program, aligning it with our overarching institutional goals. WCS acknowledges that effective partnerships are integral to achieving sustainable conservation outcomes. This initiative aims to prioritize the protection of local communities' rights and well-being, as well as ensuring the health and security of the communities, our staff and partners while actively contributing to conservation targets. To achieve these objectives, WCS-IP is implementing a country-wide human rights-based approach to conservation, including the establishment of an environmental-social safeguards system. This system is being progressively rolled out across our priority landscapes and seascapes. It is guided by WCS's global policies, which underscore our commitment to upholding social safeguards and international human rights, in accordance with international environmental and social performance standards, policies, and guidelines.

The Livelihood Development & Community Engagement Specialist within the cross-cutting Rights & Communities Program plays a pivotal role. The Specialist provides technical assistance, guidance, and oversee the monitoring and evaluation of livelihood development and implementation activities, as well as community engagement efforts within WCS-IP's landscapes and seascapes.

Position Objectives
The Specialist will be responsible for compiling, assessing, and analyzing existing socio-economic data, conducting necessary adjustments, reviewing on-going livelihood activities and local development plans. These will allow the Specialist to map out partnership opportunities and monitor the implementation of knowledge-based livelihood strategies for field operations. The other main responsibilities include overseeing and developing community engagement strategy, that links closely to conservation activities in our priority landscapes and seascapes, building positive relationships with local, provincial and NGO partners, while actively managing good communication with national government and private sector partners to support the sustainability of the livelihood initiatives/interventions and community engagement around landscapes and seascapes where we work.

Tasks and Responsibilities
Social Safeguarding Measures
  • Oversee the development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of a livelihood development and community engagement strategy which linked to the Environmental and Social (ES) safeguarding measures stated in ESMS, SOP and protocols in each WCS-IP landscapes and seascapes, replete with a full set of measures and instruments, including the PFs (Process Frameworks), SEPs (Stakeholder Engagement Plans), PAP (People Affected Project), LRP (Livelihood Restoration Plan) and VAPs (Village Action Plans)/LAPs (Lhok Action Plans).
  • Ensure effective integration of ES safeguard considerations into all aspects of identification, consultation, planning and implementation of livelihoods development and community engagement by identifying targeted villages/sites; SEP (Stakeholder Engagement Plan), defining PAP, development of LRP and V/LAPs, through appropriate approaches PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) and FGD (Focused Group Discussion) as such which applying FPIC (Free Prior Inform Consent) process.
  • Ensure consideration of the relevant ES safeguards aspects in the identification, consultation and planning project activities, and their integration in activities during the implementation phase.
  • Ensure ES risks of livelihood interventions and community engagement are assessed and identified (based on the ESMP/VAP and own observations during project implementation), and where present, avoided, mitigated and/or appropriately managed.
  • Assist with the implementation of measures in a conflict resolution mechanism, such as GRM, that involves the creation of an easy to understand and transparent consultation process that is culturally appropriate and readily accessible, and at no cost and without retribution to the party that originated the issue or concern, in accordance with IFC guidelines.
  • Lead and ensure the development, implementation, and monitoring of livelihood interventions, and LRP (when required) for each site, by incorporating findings and ensure provision of appropriate alternative livelihood opportunities for people and communities impacted by project interventions.
  • Assist in the identification, and where needed, initiate technical assistance for WCS-IP in using its leverage through partnering with MoEF and other organisations to introduce environmental and social safeguard instruments, to strengthen landscape and seascape activities and initiatives that engage rural communities and its livelihood interventions.
Livelihood Interventions and Community Engagement
  • Undertake livelihoods needs assessment and its ESG (environmental, social, governance), assess the existing livelihood practices and feasibility of its implementation as well as its sustainability (sustainable financing as such).
  • Undertake and or provide inputs and technical assistance on the livelihood and community engagement assessment process, survey, and analysis through various ES science-based approaches (i.e. socio-economic survey; SLA/sustainable livelihood approach etc.).
  • Working with other teams, liaise and communicate all project concerns related to organizational development areas to subgrantee(s), etc. Be directly involved in the capacity building support to project subgrantee beneficiaries/other parties as the needs arise.
  • Provide inputs and support for budget allocation and expenses in the monitoring of livelihoods interventions in each site/village.
  • Lead on the institutional strengthening program for local community to increase their capacity related access to local and national governments program and development.
  • Oversee the whole WCS IP landscape and seascape – livelihood interventions and community engagement, facilitate and provide technical assistance for share learning from each site' interventions and community engagement and generate lessons learned.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Lessons Learned
  • Together with ES Science Coordinator, lead and oversee the development of a robust MRE (Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation) system, to evaluate the intervention impact on the socio-cultural-enviro-economic beneficiaries and communities, as well as their wellbeing.
  • Develop a simple screening matrix to monitor and evaluate all the interventions for effective management.
  • Develop a project exit strategy (phase out) related to community – engagement and livelihood interventions.
  • Assist with documenting lessons learned from project implementation and briefing notes for the SMT to improve implementation and coordination of project activities, support decision-making processes and knowledge management.
  • Provide technical and facilitating support to meetings, seminars, workshops and formally represent WCS as necessary in such meetings, workshops, and conferences.
  • Review and submit activity reports and assist the Program Manager in preparing project narrative/progress report, as required by donors and/or stakeholders.

The Livelihood Development & Community Engagement Specialist will be responsible for producing the following deliverables:
  • A review of current implemented livelihood interventions and community engagement, accompanied with its capacity buildings (strategic planning, training, share learning, and institutional strengthening) and socio-economic development opportunities.
  • A program strategy on livelihood development and community engagement, and an accompanying work plan.
  • Livelihood interventions and community engagement implemented, accompanied with its capacity buildings (strategic planning, training, share learning, and institutional strengthening), improvement and its sustainability process.
  • MRE of livelihood and community engagement interventions and priority project phase out strategy.
  • A sustainability and project exit strategy (phase out) related to community – engagement and livelihood interventions.
  • Livelihoods and community engagement lessons learned document on WCS-IP's implementation of the Program strategy.

  • A graduate or post-graduate degree in social sciences or a related field, or equivalent experience in livelihood development, community engagement in sustainable natural resource management, conservation, or a related field, would be advantageous.
  • Minimum of five years of professional experience in on-the-ground livelihood development and community engagement strategy.
  • Proven ability to design, conduct, monitor, analyze, evaluate, and document lessons learned from livelihood interventions and community engagement in sustainable natural resources management.
  • Experience in capacity building (strategic planning, training, knowledge sharing, and institutional strengthening) and socio-economic development opportunities is essential.
  • Good analytical and planning skills; capability to forecast and refine/review plans based on experience and further analysis; with good report writing, and presentation abilities. Skills in assessing the effectiveness of livelihood interventions and community engagement related to sustainable resources management and conservation would be advantageous.
  • Demonstrated innovation and proficiency in developing new approaches to livelihood development and community engagement for sustainable natural resources management.
  • Ability to establish partnerships with relevant authorities, civil society, the private sector, donor agencies, and international institutions.
  • Strong facilitation, coordination, networking, negotiation skills, decisiveness, independence, and sound judgement.
  • Working knowledge of environmental and social safeguards processes.
  • Willingness to travel for fieldwork, ability to work under pressure, patience, and flexibility are essential.
  • Fluency in English is required, along with a commitment to WCS's values of respect, accountability, transparency, innovation, diversity and inclusion, collaboration, and integrity.

For more detailed information about Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program, the position and how to apply, please visit our website at:


Please send CV and cover letter in English to idrecruitment@wcs.org stating in the subject line "Livelihood Development & Community Engagement Specialist" at the latest on 08 August 2024. No correspondence as only short-listed candidates will be notified.

                                                               08 August 2024

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