[newdevjobsindo] GAIN Indonesia-RFP Capacity Building for District Governments on Food Planning for a Sustainable Food System in Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Jumat, 13 September 2024

[newdevjobsindo] GAIN Indonesia-RFP Capacity Building for District Governments on Food Planning for a Sustainable Food System in Indonesia

Request for Proposal (RFP)


Capacity Building for District Governments on Food Planning for a Sustainable Food System in Indonesia




In alignment with Indonesia's vision for the 2025-2045 period, the national food system is poised for a transformation towards a resilient, sustainable, and nourishing model, leveraging local resources and indigenous knowledge. This transformation has the potential to significantly enhance the nation's health, sustainability, and resilience, ensuring every individual's fundamental right to sustainable food, meeting the diverse nutritional needs of the population, and promoting resilience through the diversification and downstream processing of local foods. Moreover, the strategy emphasizes enhancing micronutrient consumption through biofortification and large-scale fortification efforts, making nutritious food affordable, particularly for economically disadvantaged communities, and adopting sustainable agricultural practices such as conservation, regenerative, adaptive, and low-carbon farming.


The policy framework also envisages the incorporation of blue and alternative food sources to diversify diets and bolster nutritional intake alongside a robust integrated management system for aquatic foods. This system will focus on revitalizing the fishery business structure, fortifying the cold chain infrastructure to ensure product quality and traceability, advancing fisheries research and technology, and augmenting measures to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.


Given the urgency and scale of these initiatives, there is a pressing need to enhance the capacity of local governments, which play a pivotal role in implementing these policies at the community level. Their role is crucial in ensuring effective local management and adaptation of national directives, ultimately leading to a more resilient and sustainable food system. Therefore, a comprehensive capacity-building program for district government planners is not just desirable, but essential. This program is aimed at equipping them with the skills and knowledge to implement and manage food planning effectively. This initiative will support the broader objectives of national food security and sustainability, making the proposed training module an integral component of our strategic approach to food system transformation in Indonesia.




Indonesia is on a transformative journey to reshape its food systems into resilient, sustainable, and nourishing models by harnessing local resources and expertise. This transformation, driven by the urgent need to address contemporary challenges such as food insecurity, malnutrition, environmental degradation, and climate change impacts, aims to feed the nation's population sustainably. The urgency of this situation underscores the crucial role of each district in this transformation.


As districts gear up to develop their mid-term development plans after the local elections in October 2024, they face the critical task of aligning their strategies with the national vision detailed in the long-term development plan for 2025-2045. This alignment is not just crucial, but it is the key to ensure that local actions are in coherence with the national goals of food security and environmental sustainability. It is their role that will make this alignment possible and ensure the success of our collective efforts.


This national vision advocates for developing an eco-region food system that leverages local knowledge and resources. It emphasizes ensuring every individual's fundamental right to sustainable food, diversifying food sources through promoting local food production, enhancing nutritional quality via biofortification, supporting sustainable agricultural practices, and exploring the potential of blue and alternative food sources.


The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) supports Indonesia's food system transformation, particularly following the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS). GAIN's involvement focuses on strengthening the capabilities of local government officials, who are essential in operationalizing the summit's outcomes at the district level. By enhancing their understanding and skills through targeted capacity-building training programs, GAIN ensures that local planners and decision-makers are well-equipped to implement food system strategies aligned with national objectives and the global directives emphasized during the UNFSS. Their role is not just important, but integral to the success of this transformation.


This proposed training program is a strategic intervention designed to empower district-level officials at a critical juncture. By bolstering their capacity, the program aims to ensure that the mid-term development plans reflect the comprehensive national vision and are robust enough to address the distinct challenges and opportunities within local contexts. This alignment is essential for the cohesive and practical contribution of regional actions to the national food security and environmental sustainability goals. It supports Indonesia’s food system transformation's long-term success and alignment with global nutrition and sustainability goals.


Scope of Work


The selected training provider will undertake a comprehensive role in delivering a transformative training program designed to enhance the capacities of district government officials in Indonesia. This program is aligned with the strategic national vision for a sustainable, resilient, and nourishing food system, as detailed in the long-term development plan for 2025-2045 and supported by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) following the UNFSS. The scope of work for the training provider includes:


1. Needs Assessment:


o Conduct a quick needs assessment to identify the specific training requirements of district government officials. This assessment should consider the current capabilities, knowledge gaps, and the specific roles of the officials in implementing food system transformation strategies at the district level.


2. Module Development:


o Develop a comprehensive training module based on the needs assessment findings. The module should cover critical areas such as strategic food planning, implementation, monitoring, and aligning district-level actions with national food system goals.


o The module should incorporate the key policy directives of ensuring sustainable food access, diversifying food production through local resources, enhancing nutritional quality, promoting sustainable agriculture, and integrating blue and alternative food sources.


3. Module Testing and Refinement:


o Pilot the training module with selected district officials to test its effectiveness and applicability. Gather feedback and conduct evaluations to refine the module further.


o Adjust the training content and approach based on feedback to meet the needs of the officials better and to ensure the module is fully responsive to the local context and challenges.


4. Training Delivery:


o Deliver the refined training module in a one-day, in-person workshop for district planners and decision-makers. The training should be interactive, incorporating case studies, group discussions, and role-playing exercises to enhance learning and engagement.


5. Reporting and Evaluation:


o Provide a comprehensive report detailing the outcomes of the training sessions, including participant feedback, assessments of knowledge gains, and recommendations for future training sessions.


o Evaluate the effectiveness of the training in improving the capacity of officials to implement the food system transformation strategies effectively.


6. Handover for Scaling-Up:


o Finalize the training module based on the pilot results and evaluations, preparing it for broader application.


o Hand over the final training module to the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the National Food Agency for scaling up across other districts. Ensure the module is equipped with all necessary materials, guidelines, and recommendations for effective dissemination and implementation at scale.


This comprehensive approach ensures that the training meets the immediate need to enhance local capacities and supports the broader objectives of national food security and sustainability through effective local implementation of food system policies.




The training provider is expected to deliver a comprehensive set of outputs that align with the detailed scope of work, ensuring that the training effectively meets the needs of district government officials in implementing Indonesia's food system transformation strategies. The key deliverables include:


1. Needs Assessment Report: A detailed report outlining the findings of the initial needs assessment conducted to identify district government officials' training requirements. This report should include an analysis of current capabilities, knowledge gaps, and specific training needs related to the national food system transformation goals.


2. Training Module: A fully developed training module tailored to the identified needs of district officials. This module should cover essential topics such as strategic food planning, local implementation of national policies, sustainable agricultural practices, and the integration of blue and alternative food sources into local food systems. The module should include participant manuals, facilitator guides, case studies, interactive exercises, and evaluation forms to ensure a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.


3. Pilot Test Results and Refinement Report: Document the pilot test results, including participant feedback and an evaluation of the module’s initial effectiveness. This report should also detail the adjustments made to the training module based on the pilot test outcomes.


4. Training Implementation and Evaluation Report: A comprehensive report following the delivery of the training sessions, detailing the implementation process, participant engagement, and outcomes. This report should include pre- and post-training evaluation results to assess knowledge gains and participant satisfaction. Recommendations for future training sessions based on the feedback and evaluations received, ensuring continuous training program improvement.


5. Finalized Training Module for Scaling-Up: The final version of the training module incorporates all refinements and is ready for scaling up across other districts. This package should include all training materials, a detailed facilitator’s manual, and guidelines for effective implementation.


6. Handover Documentation: Complete documentation and materials handed over to the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the National Food Agency. This documentation should facilitate the scaling-up process and include a strategic plan for deploying the training module across Indonesia, ensuring it can be effectively utilized to enhance the capacities of district officials nationwide.


Proposal Requirements


To ensure the training provider is well-suited to meet the complex needs of this project, interested parties are requested to submit proposals that include the following components aligned with the detailed scope of work:


1. Training Provider Background: Detailed information about the organization, including previous experience delivering similar training programs, especially those related to food system planning, public policy implementation, or capacity building within governmental sectors.


2. Detailed Curriculum and Training Plan: A comprehensive outline of the proposed training module that addresses the needs identified in the scope of work, including methodologies for the needs assessment, module development, testing, and refinement phases. Include a session-by-session breakdown covering topics such as strategic food planning, implementing sustainable agricultural practices, and incorporating blue and alternative food sources.


3. Team Qualifications: Detailed profiles of the training team members, highlighting their expertise and experience relevant to sustainable food systems and local government capacity building. Proof of credentials and any professional certifications that validate the team’s expertise in delivering high-quality, impactful training programs.


4. Implementation Strategy: A clear description of the proposed methodologies for interactive and practical learning, including approaches to conducting the needs assessment, pilot testing of the module, and methods for collecting and utilizing feedback. Plans for engaging participants and ensuring active learning through case studies, group discussions, role-playing exercises, and other participatory methods.


5. Evaluation Methods: Detailed plans for assessing the training's effectiveness, including pre-and post-training evaluation tools, participant feedback mechanisms, and criteria for measuring knowledge gains and satisfaction among participants.


6. Budget and Cost Justification: A detailed budget that provides a clear, itemized breakdown of all costs associated with the preparation, delivery, and follow-up phases of the training program. Justification for the proposed costs, including how they provide value for money and contribute to effectively delivering training outcomes.


7. Timeline for Deliverables: A timeline that outlines key milestones and deadlines for all project phases, from the initial needs assessment to the final handover of the training module for scaling up.


8. Support and Follow-up Services: Description of any additional support or resources offered post-training to assist with implementing learned skills and strategies. Proposals for potential follow-up sessions or ongoing support mechanisms to ensure long-term impact and continuous improvement.


Proposals must be comprehensive and demonstrate how the provider will meet the project’s objectives, facilitating practical training that aligns with Indonesia’s strategic goals for food system transformation and capacity building at the district level.


Evaluation Criteria


To ensure the selected training provider meets the highest standards and aligns with the project's goals, proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


1. Relevance of Proposed Curriculum:


o How well does the proposed training curriculum address district government officials' specified needs in Indonesia’s food system transformation?


o The depth and comprehensiveness of content covering strategic food planning, sustainable agricultural practices, and integrating blue and alternative food sources.


2. Experience and Expertise:


o Proven track record of the training provider delivering similar capacity-building programs, particularly those focused on food systems, public policy, or government capacity enhancement.


o Qualifications and experience of the training team, particularly their expertise in sustainable food systems and training government personnel.


3. Methodological Approach:


o The effectiveness of the proposed methodologies for engaging participants and ensuring active, experiential learning.


o Innovativeness of the approach to conducting needs assessments, pilot testing, module refinement, and participant evaluations.


4. Cost Effectiveness:


o Value for money offered by the proposal, including a clear and justified budget that aligns with the scope of work and expected outcomes.


o Efficiency of resource use, considering the depth and quality of training materials and activities provided relative to the cost.


5. Implementation Strategy:


o Clarity and feasibility of the implementation timeline, including realistic milestones and deadlines for all project phases.


o Adequacy of the strategies for post-training support and follow-up to ensure the training’s long-term impact and sustainability.


6. Evaluation Plans:


o Thoroughness of the proposed evaluation methods to measure training effectiveness, including detailed plans for pre- and post-assessments and ongoing feedback mechanisms.


o Ability to provide actionable insights through evaluations to guide future training sessions and continuous improvement.


Proposals will be assessed on their ability to meet the logistical requirements of the training program and enhance the strategic capabilities of local officials to effectively implement Indonesia’s national vision for a sustainable food system. The chosen provider should clearly understand the project’s goals and show how their approach will lead to meaningful, measurable outcomes.


Submission Details


Interested training providers are invited to submit their proposals according to the above guidelines and criteria. Proposals should be comprehensive and address all requirements specified in the RFP to ensure a thorough evaluation process.


Deadline for Submission:


· Proposals must be submitted by 20 September 2024, no later than 5:00 PM local time. Late submissions will not be considered.


Submission Format and Address:


· Proposals should be formatted as a single PDF document, clearly labeled with the provider’s name and the project title, "Capacity Building for District Government Officials on Sustainable Food System Planning."


· Submit electronically via email to rfp@gainhealth.org and GAINIndonesia@gainhealth.org


· Ensure that the subject line of your email reads "Proposal Submission – Sustainable Food System Training."


Proposal Contents:


· Include a cover letter, detailed curriculum, team qualifications, implementation strategy, budget, evaluation methods, timeline, and supporting documents that enhance your proposal.


· Attach all required documents and ensure they are well-organized and easy to review.



We look forward to receiving detailed and innovative proposals that demonstrate a clear understanding of this project's objectives and expectations. Your contribution will play a crucial role in advancing Indonesia’s national goals for food system transformation and sustainability.



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