[newdevjobsindo] Request for Proposal: Census on Women in Executive Leadership in IDX200 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 01 November 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Request for Proposal: Census on Women in Executive Leadership in IDX200



Census on Women in Executive Leadership in IDX200

Proposed start date:

November 19, 2021

Proposed end date:

April 30, 2022

Key objective(s):

Conduct research on the representation of women in executive leadership teams in the largest 200 companies on the list of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX200). The analysis will seek to replicate the Australian annual census of women in leadership undertaken by Chief Executive Women (CEW) and Bain & Co to track gender balance and women's representation in executive leadership teams in Australia's largest publicly listed companies (ASX200).

The research will advance transparency and reporting on female leadership in Indonesia's private sector and support women's representation in top management. It will also strengthen the advocacy capacity of IBCWE to empower women in the region and support inclusive economic growth.

IBCWE: Terms of Reference (TOR)

Census on Women in Executive Leadership in IDX200

The Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE) is a coalition of companies committed to promoting women's economic empowerment and gender equality. Our mission is to support business to play an optimal role in increasing women's economic empowerment and gender equality.

IBCWE members believe that business, together with government and civil society, has a critical role to play in reducing inequality, eradicating poverty, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This reason motivated them to jointly form IBCWE and invite leading companies in Indonesia to promote women's economic empowerment and gender equality.

IBCWE members believe that promoting gender equality in the workplace and supporting women's empowerment should be at the core of business strategy. It is evident that companies with greater gender equality result in higher levels of development and performance.

Empowering and investing in women is good for business, and good for the economy. Therefore, our members are committed to:

  • Addressing the gender pay gap
  • Advancing women in leadership and governance positions
  • Increasing the participation of women workers
  • Invest in women-friendly working conditions
  • Ensuring leaders and managers implement gender equality

With the support of the Australian Government, we provide work plans and measurement tools for companies to share inspiration and gender good practices; and facilitate our members.

To advance transparency and reporting of female leadership in Indonesian business communities, and support women's leadership and inclusive economic growth, IBCWE is seeking a suitably qualified organisation to undertake research of women in Executive Leadership Teams in IDX200 companies. The analysis will seek to replicate the Australian annual census of women in leadership undertaken by Chief Executive Women (CEW) and Bain & Co to track gender balance and women's representation in executive leadership teams in Australia's largest publicly listed companies (ASX200).

Background and objective:

Women's participation in the labour force in Indonesia is persistently lower than men's with 53% of Indonesian women in the labour force in 2020, compared to 82% of men[1]. Aligned with concerning global trends, women's representation continues to shrink further up the corporate ladder. ILO's survey[2] of 416 enterprises in Indonesia found that 61% had women as supervisory managers, 70% as middle managers, 49% as senior managers and only 22% had women as top executives. Over half of the surveyed companies had only 1-10% of top executive roles employed by women. Furthermore, even when in management roles, women are concentrated in corporate functions that tend not to lead to top executive, board and CEO positions. Analysis by McKinsey Global Institute puts women's representation in Indonesia in the pipeline to senior management at 13% and 5% for Board membership[3].

Meanwhile, the business benefits of gender diversity have been well established in global research. The ILO survey of 12,940 enterprises in 70 countries established that two-thirds of surveyed enterprises in the Asia Pacific—including 77% of the 416 based in Indonesia - agree that workplace gender equality and diversity initiatives improve business outcomes, resulting in increased productivity and profitability; increased ability to attract and retain talent; greater creativity, innovation and resilience; enhanced company and brand reputation; and better ability to gauge consumer interest and demand. [4]

Since 2017, the Australian Chief Executive Women (CEW) has conducted an annual Senior Executive Census to analyse the representation of women in the ASX200 executive leadership teams. The analysis includes tracking progress of women through to the senior ranks in corporate Australia by looking at the proportion of women in pipeline roles to fill senior executive positions. In 2021, the census was expanded to ASX300 and to include additional analysis on gender diversity targets.[5]

With advisory support from CEW, Investing in Women (IW) and the Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE) seek to replicate the methodology of the CEW Senior Executive Census with IDX200 companies (IDX200). IBCWE is seeking a suitably qualified researcher/organisation to undertake this research, as outlined in more detail below.

The activity seeks to advance the transparency and reporting of female leadership in Indonesian business communities, provide opportunities to progress women's leadership and supports inclusive economic growth. CEW, IW and IBCWE intend to build on this research through follow-up activities, including dialogue between senior women business leaders from Indonesia and Australia.

Scope of services: 

The selected organisation will:

1.       Manage the overall Census of Women in Executive Leadership in IDX200 research activity (refer to #3 of this section), in close collaboration with IBCWE, and other stakeholders and organisations identified by IBCWE to support research outcomes, including IW, IDX, OJK and CEW. This includes management of researchers/individuals involved in the activity, adherence to agreed timelines and quality assurance of deliverables. The research is expected to start by November 2021 with final reporting completed by March 2022.

2.       Participate in fortnightly check-ins with IBCWE to discuss progress and notify IBCWE and IW in writing of any delays, challenges or deviation from the agreed scope of services, and proposed changes to the approach.

3.       Implement the IDX200 research activity:

o   Collect data on the gender composition of Executive Leadership Teams (ELT) in the IDX200 through information available on each company's website. Prior to the research commencement, IDX will call on companies to update their websites with the relevant information. Where information is not available on the company website, other data sources may be used, with prior agreement with IBCWE and attention to privacy and confidentiality measures.

o   Conduct analysis on women's representation in ELTs, as CEOs and overall gender balance within IDX200. This will include analysis of women's representation in key pipeline roles to fill CEO positions and at Board level. The research team is expected to work with a recruitment/HR firm identified by IBCWE to determine the classification of these roles in order to replicate the analysis used in the CEW Senior Executive Census. Support to the methodology will also be provided by CEW, IBCWE and IW.

4.       Produce a report on preliminary findings and conduct a presentation to IBCWE, IW and IDX, for initial feedback and reflection.

5.       Prepare a final report and summary presentation for IBCWE, IW and key stakeholders, incorporating feedback and revisions.

6.       Participate in at least two (2) events (exact times to be confirmed with IBCWE): (1) An event where IDX will announce the research on 22 December 2021, and (2) an event launching the findings of census on 21 April 2022.


The selected organisation must produce the following deliverables according to the agreed scope of work and timelines:

·       Deliverable 1: Confirmed workplan, including timeline and approach, to be agreed with IBCWE and IW. The workplan will include expected inputs and review by other organisations working to support this research and will need to be agreed with all parties.

·       Deliverable 2: Data collection in accordance with methodology and as agreed with IBCWE and IW.

·       Deliverable 3: Analysis of data, with advisory support from IW, IBCWE and CEW as required.

·       Deliverable 4: Report and presentation on preliminary findings to IBCWE, IW and IDX.

·       Deliverable 5: Final report and presentation, incorporating feedback.

·       Deliverable 6: Data files provided to IBCWE and IDX to be used for subsequent research.

Selection criteria:

A technical assessment of the proposal will assist IBCWE in determining the best value for money solution and suitability of the Proponent. IBCWE will conduct a technical assessment of the submitted Proposal/s based on the following criteria:

1)      Organisational Capability and Quality of Personnel relevant to the Proposal (60%)

a.       Appropriate experience, expertise and suitability of key personnel to manage and implement the research, including:

·       understanding of gender equality in the private sector and corporate leadership

·       proven capability to manage and analyse similar/relevant datasets

·       experience in preparing high-quality reports and presentations to disseminate research findings

2)      Feasibility of Research Approach (20%)

a)       The Proposal meets the research objectives and data collection methods and the implementation timeframe to meet research deliverables are realistic, with appropriate considerations to Covid-19 constraints

3)      Value for money (20%)

a)       The Proposal includes a sound Financial Proposal in IDR and demonstrates the following:

i)        Cost consciousness and realism consistent with the feasibility of the Research Proposal as evidenced by a sound Financial Proposal that outlines sufficient budget detail, covering all costs required to implement the research in a timely manner; and

ii)       Strong balance of economy, efficiency, effectiveness and ethics as defined by the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: https://dfat.gov.au/aid/who-we-work-with/value-formoney-principles/Pages/value-for-money-principles.aspx 15%

Note: Proposals should be structured in line with the Selection Criteria.



November 2021 to March 2022

Financial Proposal

The financial proposal must be expressed in the form of a lump sum all-inclusive cost linked to deliverables specified in TOR, supported by a breakdown of costs.


The research mostly will be based on desk research thus any travel costs arise for these activities should be approved by IBCWE prior for travel.

Schedule of payments

1.       1st Payment: 20% of payment upon signing of contract agreement

2.       2nd Payment: 30% of payment upon completion of data collection

3.       3rd Payment: 30% of payment upon completion of first draft report

4.       FINAL Payment: 20% of payment upon completion of FINAL Report and Service Report to IBCWE


How to apply

We welcome research firms and individual researchers to apply. Applications to be a service provider for the research include:

A proposal that describes the proposed research approach including methodology and workplan for the data collection and a proposed approach to analysis and learning. The application should also include a list of prior clients, and CVs of staff who will conduct the research, and a financial proposal.

The curriculum vitae for the lead researcher should include contact details for three referees, including a telephone number and email address.

All correspondence should be addressed to Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment via email: recruitment@ibcwe.id and should indicate "Application for Service Provider for Researcher" on the application letter and email subject.

Applications will be considered until November 12th, 2021 or until a suitable candidate is identified and selected.  Please note that only short-listed firms/applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.









Implementing Partners:             

Investing in Women (IW), working with the Indonesia Business Coalition Women Empowerment (IBCWE), with advisory support from Australia's Chief Executive Women (CEW) and Bain & Company.

This activity is part of the Indonesia - Australia Women's Empowerment Dialogue (IA-WED) partnership between Katalis, Investing in Women (IW), CEW and IBCWE, that seeks to deepen economic ties between women private sector leaders in Australia and Indonesia with the goal of advancing women's leadership in business and boosting bilateral trade and investment.

Investing in Women (IW), an initiative of the Australian Government, catalyses inclusive economic growth through women's economic empowerment in South East Asia. Established in 2016, IW tackles one of the most critical social and economic issues of our time: gender inequality. Women's economic empowerment is not only a fundamental aspect of promoting gender equality, but it is vital to enhancing business competitiveness, fuelling inclusive economic growth and building equitable societies.

IW uses innovative approaches to improve women's economic participation as employees and as entrepreneurs and to influence the enabling environment to promote women's economic empowerment in the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar. In collaboration with corporations and business leaders, impact investors, entrepreneurs and advocates, we are working with those who are driving change for women's economic equality in our region.

IW partners with influential businesses to establish coalitions across Investing in Women's (IW) four target countries to advance workplace gender equality (WGE) by shifting workplace culture and practices, and by supporting business to address policy barriers. IBCWE was formed in 2016 by the IW program. Further information about IW can be found on the website: www.investinginwomen.asia

[1] ILO, ILOSTAT Database (2020).

[2] ILO Research Brief (June 2020) Leading to Success: The business case for women in business

and management in Indonesia

https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/---ilo jakarta/documents/publication/wcms_750802.pdf

[3] https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/gender-equality/the-power-of-parity-advancing-womens-equality-in-asia-pacific#part3


IBCWE Recruitment Team


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