[newdevjobsindo] Invitation for Proposal: KAP Study on Lead Poisoning and Pollution - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 18 Januari 2022

[newdevjobsindo] Invitation for Proposal: KAP Study on Lead Poisoning and Pollution

Request for Proposal:

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Study on

Lead Poisoning and Pollution in Indonesia

Deadline: 7 Feb 2022



1.     About Vital Strategies 


Vital Strategies is a global health organization that believes every person should be protected by a strong public health system. We work with governments and civil society in 73 countries to design and implement evidence-based strategies that tackle their most pressing public health problems. Our goal is to see governments adopt promising interventions at scale as rapidly as possible.  Our experts provide technical and professional guidance to partners and government agencies.  We speak out, through press releases, publications, social media, and participation in convenings and conferences against the practices of tobacco and the sugary drinks industries. Vital Strategies does not accept gifts or funds from industries related to tobacco, sugary drinks and alcoholic drinks.  We actively seek to engage with stakeholders who share our values and seeks to work with partners who endorse and encourage the highest ethical work practices and standards.


2.      Purpose and Scope for Proposal

This document serves as the basis for requests for proposals by Vital Strategies to seek a suitable research agency to conduct the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) study in two pilot districts that are exposed to lead poisoning and pollution in Indonesia. Results of the KAP will primarily go toward generating behaviour change communications campaigns that will help to promote risk reduction behaviours within individual families and their communities at large. The results of the KAP will also inform the design of and potential support to community-based action, including by adolescents and young people, to reduce the releases of, and exposures to lead (Pb). This study and the resulting communications campaign is also intended as a resource for other local government and non-governmental stakeholders who are considering planning effective strategies to reduce Pb exposure in their communities.


The study will include quantitative and qualitative research and be conducted using a mixed methods design that includes surveys, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. 


The agency is expected to propose and execute the sampling methodology (including sample size and cut-off age), interview approach, survey refinement (Vital Strategies will provide a draft survey instrument), translation and back translations, human subjects research board review, respondent selection, completion of surveys and focus groups, data management, analysis and reporting. 

  • Research Objective

The purpose of the study is to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of residents regarding environmental pollution in general and lead pollution issues in two districts in Indonesia. 

  • Information on selected sites

The survey will be conducted in two areas of Indonesia, still to be determined. The vendor will develop a sampling framework to represent both urban, peri-urban and rural residents of these areas. 

  • Study subjects

The survey instrument will be conducted with adults (aged 21 – 60) living in the districts, with particular care to ensure that the responses from adults will come from parents and caregivers of children under 19 years of age. Adolescent parents, when identified, will also be surveyed. 


In addition to the survey, at least three (3) focus group discussions will be conducted with religious/community leaders, teachers, healthcare workers, and young people aged 20-24 years old to collect qualitative information on KAP and explore possible actions led by community leaders, residents, and/or local government (healthcare- or school-based) to prevent lead poisoning, particularly around awareness raising and advocacy campaigns.


3.      Objectives and Scope of Work


Vital Strategies is seeking competitive proposals from qualified vendors to provide the following services:




a.      To establish baseline data and information for inclusive awareness raising on lead poisoning in two districts.

b.      To develop a sampling strategy to represent the population of parents 60 years of age and younger with children below the age of 19, according to the main sociodemographic variables, such as childhood and parental age, parental educational level, income and occupational sector. 

c.       To submit for, and obtain, local human subjects review approval to conduct the study.

d.      To finalize a survey instrument mindful of length, likely completion rates and question priorities, in collaboration with Vital Strategies.

e.      Carry out a survey among the sampled population using offline practices that result in high response and completion rates.  

f.        Analyze and report the data, weighted to represent the population, and stratified by key demographic variables to:

              I.   Summarize the responses

             II.   Cross-tabulate responses as appropriate to illuminate relationships among responses

g.      Deliver a cleaned dataset to Vital Strategies (in spreadsheet, database, or statistical software format to be determined) 

h.      To interpret findings from the KAP survey for recommendations and implications for risk communication and education strategies


Focus Groups and Interviews


a.      Develop interview instruments and guides to collect qualitative KAP data from religious leaders, teachers, healthcare workers, and young people using offline participatory focus group discussions with interactive activities such as applying 'human-centred design' approaches. 

b.      Conduct the discussions, ideally in-person

c.       Code and summarize the findings to:

              I.   Describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices that residents have regarding the actual and potential risk of environmental pollution, especially lead. 

             II.   Inform the development of educational outreach, awareness raising, and youth-led campaigns on lead poisoning prevention.

           III.   Identify the most utilized and trusted communication and information channels for residents and in particular parents/caregivers to receive environmental health and other public health information, stratified as above.

d.      To interpret findings from the KAP survey for recommendations and implications for risk communication and education strategies.

Instructions to Respond: for complete RFP and instructions to respond, please view document attached or this link. Any questions referring to the RFP please contact Nabila Ernada (nernada.consultant@vitalstrategies.org) and Gurpreet Kaur Bhatia (gbhatia@vitalstrategies.org).



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