FHI 360 is looking for an Indonesian resource organization to provide technical assistance to civil society organizations (CSO) in fifteen districts in five provinces to improve local CSOs' contributions to national campaigns and policy dialogues on maternal and child health. The districts are Kab Tangerang, Kab Lebak, Kab Sukabumi, Kab Tasikmalaya, Kab Garut, Kab Bandung, Kab Brebes, Kab Boyolali, Kab Klaten, Kab Wonosobo, Kab Pekalongan, Kab Malang, Kab Jember, Kab Bulukumba and Kab Pangkep.
MADANI is between 2020-2023 providing support to one Lead Partner CSO in each of 32 districts to lead its work, including establishing and maintaining a multi-stakeholder "Learning Forum" that aims to build partnerships among CSOs, LGs, media and the private sector to strengthen CSOs' advocacy on government accountability and social inclusion. This is done through a facilitated sequence of activities: joint identification of priority development issues, testing of approaches to address these issues and mobilizing stakeholders and networks identifying community problems and map solutions, carrying out of social accountability activities and advocacy and awareness campaigns, and providing policy recommendations. The aim is to put pressure on local government agencies (including the District Health Office) and frontline agencies (including Community Health Centers or Puskesmas and Village Integrated Health Post or Posyandu) to be more responsive to citizen needs and improve their services.
In the 15 districts focusing on maternal and child health, Lead Partners are improving poor households' access to health facilities, including providing basic outreach and education on reproductive health, maternal nutrition, and vaccination for newborns. Disadvantaged populations such as people with disability and women from poor households have seen improved standards of service by adding number of staff and time of service. Policy recommendations focus on providing greater access to healthcare for women and children from poor families and ensuring that vulnerable youth are involved in awareness campaigns.
MADANI will with this activity link these district-level thematic interventions with broader policy dialogues on maternal and child health at the national level. This will be done through a cycle of organizing "Citizen Hearing on MCH" in each of the 15 targeted districts, compiling the results into policy recommendations, organizing national dialogues with key Government counterparts on the results, and launching social media campaigns around the recommendations.
Closing Date: May 26, 2022, by the latest 17:00 Jakarta Time.
Questions May 18, 2022, by the latest 17:00 Jakarta Time to Procurement-Madani@fhi360.org. Answers will be provided in writing on May 20, 2022.
Period of Performance: Twelve months, starting in June July 2022
Award Ceiling: Up to 500 million
Eligible Entities Indonesian registered firms and nongovernmental organizationsThe full Scope of Work, RFP and instruction for submission can be requested by email to Procurement-Madani@fhi360.org, referencing "TA on Citizen Hearing" in the subject line.
Applicants must submit a technical application and budget to Procurement-Madani@fhi360.org by 5pm (Jakarta time) May 26, 2022. Questions on the RFP is due on May 18, 2022. In the submission email, reference "TA on Citizen Hearing" in the subject line.
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