[newdevjobsindo] Request for proposals: Independent Expert Review for Indonesia ‘For the People’ project - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 14 September 2023

[newdevjobsindo] Request for proposals: Independent Expert Review for Indonesia ‘For the People’ project

Request for proposals: Independent Expert Review for Indonesia 'For the People' project

Job title: Expert reviewer(s) - Proposals are welcome from individuals or from teams of experts

Period of Performance: Consultant, 4 – 5 months

Duration: The review is expected to start in October and be concluded no later than mid-March 2024

Location: Remote/online

Closing date: 24 September 2023

Interested, qualified candidates should submit their technical application and cost, including a CV and a cover note (in English, PDF or Microsoft Word format) highlighting relevant experience, confirming you are able to meet the schedule and required deliverables and providing a cost per day. Where the proposal is sent from a team of reviewers, please provide information on all members of the team, division of labour and approach.

Please include the title of the position applied for in the subject line. Only applicants with a separate cover letter will be considered. Please do not send certificates or other attachments. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Interested experts should send their response to procurement@id.bbcmediaaction.org by 5 pm Jakarta time on 22 September 2023, In the submission email, reference 'FTP midterm review'.

Job purpose

BBC Media Action Indonesia is looking for external experts to lead a final review for a multi-media climate programme that has been funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).

Please see the detail Terms of Reference (TOR) for further details.


Terms of Reference (ToR)
'For the People' Project Midterm Review
2021-2025 civil society grant period

1. Background

BBC Media Action is the BBC's international charity - we believe in media and communication for good. Last year, we reached more than 130 million people in some of the world's poorest and most fragile countries. Established in 2019, BBC Media Action Indonesia is our newest country office, staffed by a diverse and youthful team delivering our most ambitious climate project to date. Climate change and environmental degradation are critical issues for Indonesia's future. But while young people around the world are demanding climate action from their leaders, our research has found that Indonesia's largely urban youth population feel disconnected from forests and deforestation, and don't know how they can get involved to ensure more sustainable development.

From 2019 to 2021 BBC Media Action implemented a project Kembali Ke Hutan with the financial support of NORAD. The project targeted urban youths 18-30 years old. Urban youths make up a significant percentage of the Indonesian population and are projected to continue to grow as a demographic: by 2030, 44% and 68% of Indonesia's population will be youth and urban, respectively. Early research at the start of the project showed that TV is the most popular media platform in Indonesia, with more than 90% of Indonesians having access to it. SCTV – the project's TV broadcasting partner - was one of the top three most popular channels and soap opera (drama) was the favourite TV format in Indonesia across age groups. 

The project's intended impact is to encourage the public to build public discourse and hold stakeholders to account over policies and actions relating to deforestation and green growth. The project outcomes are, first, target groups are more informed and engaged on the issues of green growth. Second, a strong public discourse in the Indonesian media provides spaces for the public to question and hold the government to account for policies and actions relating to green growth.

The following outputs were delivered to achieve the project's outcomes including:

  • Production and dissemination (through SCTV) of a 20-episode TV drama series #CeritaKita,
  • Production and dissemination of a live discussion programme on Instagram, Ngobrolin #CeritaKita,
  • Digital content branded as AksiKita Indonesia produced and disseminated on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube,
  • Capacity strengthening training for local CSOs and media practitioners,
  • Formative, pre-testing, monitoring and evaluative research. 

The 'Return to Forest' Project has been completed in 2021. We have conducted an impact evaluation with the result showing that the drama, discussion programme and social media content increased awareness of the impacts of climate change and deforestation and prompted people to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. About 24.5 million people (17% of the adult population) viewed the programme output (TV drama #CeritaKita, discussion programme Ngobrolin #CeritaKita and social media content on AksiKita Indonesia).

In 2021, NORAD granted a second phase of a project called 'For the People' (2021-24). It is closely related to 5 goals in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), including (10) reducing inequality, (12) ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, (13) climate action, (15) life on land, and (17) partnership for the goals. For the People is closely related to climate action. The programme is designed for 2 main outcomes:

  1. Mobilising ambition and support for forest-friendly policies
  2. Improved rights and livelihoods for indigenous peoples and local communities in tropical forest countries

It will be achieved with collaboration and partnership with CSOs, indigenous communities, media, and young people. It is planned to create social media content and drama series on streaming platforms to increase knowledge and motivate them to take action related to climate change and deforestation among young Indonesians. Capacity strengthening is going to be held for media and local CSOs to improve their understanding, communication skills and ability to produce content that makes issues of climate change and green growth relatable to their audiences. Furthermore, the discussion clubs will be held with the indigenous communities with audio-visual content as stimulus to give them access to information about rights and sustainable livelihood.

2. Objectives of the review 
This mid-term review is a prerequisite by NORAD under the 'For the People' project with the aim of determining to what extent the project is being implemented as originally intended, and what progress the project is making towards achieving its intended outcomes.

The midterm review seeks to provide BBC Media Action with valuable input on project progress, potentially as a basis for steering the course towards greater project achievement where applicable.

Intended project outcomes (See Annex-1: Result framework for details)

  1. Young people (18-30 years old; urban, peri-urban, and rural) are better informed, more engaged and acting on the issues of deforestation, climate change and green growth. By the end of the project, it is expected that there will be total a of 10 million viewers engaged with the programme across all platforms and 60% of the audience exposed to the contents have a better understanding of the climate change and deforestation issue.
  2. Programme makers from national media organisations have improved their understanding and ability to produce content that makes issues of green growth relatable to their audiences. It has been targeted that there will be 60% of programme makers from the production house and streaming service (OTT) trained to have an increased understanding of young audiences at the end of the project.
  3. Journalists from various media platforms including the local media organisations have improved their understanding and ability to produce content that makes issues of green growth relatable to their audiences. Among trained senior and local journalists, it is targeted that 60% of them have improved knowledge, skill and understanding to report the climate change issue. It is targeted there will be 60 digital journalists trained in three provinces.
  4. Communities affected by deforestation, including indigenous communities, have increased access to information about and motivation to take action related to their rights and sustainable livelihoods.

BBC Media Action produced 39 episodes of audio-visual content to support the discussion club with the indigenous community in 15 villages in Jambi & North Kalimantan. In total discussion clubs will be run 30 times. 

Project outputs

  1. Research

Research supports the project and production activities. Here are the key highlights of the research work:

The research will cover audience research, drama formative study including concept testing and drama pre-testing, social media digital analytics, and training need assessments. All the research findings become a reference for the production of audio-visual content, discussion guide development, and social media content. Research activities have been staggered throughout the last three-quarters of the project to allow sufficient time for each, as well as on account of the timing of other activities in the project (e.g. the quantitative end-line study has been moved closer to the re-launch of the TV show)

  1. Production

The media communication is produced by the team to engage with audiences will produce drama series in partnership with a production house and OTT streaming service.

  • Outreach events have been spread over two years, with the first taking place in Year 2 and the second in Year 3. The changes have been made to have events take place for both the initial TV show launch and the re-broadcast. This outreach event took the form of a drama series discussion roadshow for college students at several universities in Indonesia and youth communities, especially in Jambi, Jakarta, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Samarinda and Makassar.
  • Production of audio-visual content and discussion guide for discussion clubs with indigenous community in Jambi and North Kalimantan
  1. Capacity strengthening
  • On-the-job training in social impact drama stories on climate change and deforestation issues. 
  • Under AMSI (Media Cyber Indonesia Association) will conduct Training of Trainers and local content producers
  • Organisation capacity strengthening on communication strategy


3. Review questions    
The main research questions for the review are set out below and will be discussed with the BBC Media Action research team. It is expected that all the research questions will feed into insights on learning.

3.1 Specific Questions I - Contribution to NICFI Outcomes

This project is funded under Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI). The following questions are designed to understand how BBC Media Action's project is contributing to the relevant outcomes of this initiative.

3.1.1        Improved rights and livelihoods for indigenous peoples and local communities in tropical forest countries

  • How does the agreement strengthen IPLC capacities for sustainable management and livelihood activities? Please provide concrete examples where applicable.
  • To what extent does the agreement contribute to poverty reduction, directly or indirectly? How is this measured and monitored?


3.1.2        Mobilising Ambition for Forest-Friendly Policies:

  • How does the agreement lead to increased support of forest protection or restoration among key decision-makers and thought leaders?
  • How does the agreement seek to increase knowledge and raise awareness about the significance of forests for humans and nature, the causes of deforestation, and key solutions in official statements, policy documents, or similar?

3.2 Specific Questions II - Contribution to NICFI Areas of Strategic Interest  

  • How does the project spur or employ innovative working methods, context analyses, partnership models, or similar innovations? Please elaborate. 
  • What are the impacts of the project so far, positive or negative, on women and gender equality? What are the lessons learned?

3.3 Effectiveness - assessment of project progress

  • To what extent is the project on track to achieving desired results so far? The review is required to provide a separate assessment according to each project-level outcome found in the results framework, which is as follows:

1)     Young people are better informed, more engaged and acting on the issues of deforestation, climate change and green growth

2)     Programme makers from national media organisations have improved understanding, communication skills and ability to produce content that makes issues of green growth relatable to their audiences

3)     Journalists from the Press Council and local media organisations have improved understanding, communication skills and ability to produce content that makes issues of green growth relatable to their audiences

4)     Communities affected by deforestation, including indigenous communities, have increased access to information about and motivation to take action related to their rights and sustainable livelihoods

  • To what extent is the project being implemented as intended? Is it on track?
  • To what extent are project activities contributing to desired project outcomes, and why?
  • Some substantial adjustments have been proposed for this project, including the format of media communication with the indigenous community and the platform to broadcast drama series. To what extent are the proposed adjustments warranted and suitable?
  •  In terms of internal, project adjustments, what other recommendations do you propose to the organisation for the remainder of the project cycle to maximise impact?              

3.4 Coherence - synergies with other interventions                  

  • To what degree does BBC Media Action seek to create alliances and foster synergies with civil society organisations and other partners, national or international, to ensure harmonisation of interventions in the given contexts? Please provide a separate assessment for each project outcome or by geographic area of the intervention.
  • To what extent does the grant recipient work with or in coordination with other initiatives funded by NICFI? What are the learning points?

4. Scope of the review

  • Temporal scope: It will be from the start of the project until the review has ended, which is midway through the 2nd year project (Oct 2021 – Dec 2023). The project is a continuation of prior efforts by the same entity under the NORAD–funded Kembali Ke Hutan ('Return to the Forest') project. The implementation plan and the project framework will be shared in advance of this review.
  • Geographic scope: The scope of the study will be limited to Indonesia only.  The social media content and drama series are targeted at all young Indonesians. The discussion club with the indigenous community is held with KKI Warsi as the local partner. The activity was conducted in Jambi and North Kalimantan province.
  • Activity scope: The whole programme so far will be evaluated under the current scope of work.


5. Main users and stakeholders    
The "For the People" project has a wide range of stakeholders, including funders, implementing organisations (KKI Warsi and AMSI), government officials, civil society organizations, universities, media partners, social media influencers and citizens, especially young people. Each stakeholder plays a crucial role in the project's success and representatives from the mentioned stakeholders will be interviewed during the mid-term evaluation.

6. Method

The methods for the midterm evaluation will be agreed upon with the consultant/agency, but it is envisaged that will include:

  • Review of project documentation, monitoring data and donor reporting so far
  • Review of any external information relevant to the project's implementation and outcomes
  • Mapping of relevant staff/actors involved in project implementation
  • In-depth interviews with key project staff, including:
  • Country Director
  • Head of Production
  • Head of Projects
  • Finance and Logistics Manager
  • Digital lead
  • Research Manager
  • In-depth interviews with partners and external stakeholders including (but not limited to):
    • Staff/representatives from NORAD
    • Representative from AMSI (Asosiasi Media Siber Indonesia)
    • Staff/representatives from a local partner, KKI Warsi
    • Representative from production partner representative from University Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) Jakarta
    • Any other key stakeholders relevant to the project
  • In-depth interviews/focus group discussions with direct project beneficiaries. At this stage of the project, this could include:
    • Indigenous people participating in listening groups
    • Media practitioners who have participated in training
  • Review of quantitative and qualitative data from research conducted as part of ongoing project monitoring and evaluation. This will include data on beneficiary experience of the project interventions so far. 

7. Deliverables and timeline
Key insights from the midterm evaluation will be summarised in the project's overall evaluation report, with a focus on identifying key learning for future implementation of similar interventions.

  • This mid-term report will consist of an executive summary, the detailed findings, conclusions, and recommendations, and should not surpass 30 pages excluding annexes. The evaluator will include an annex that lists all the sources used (documents, interviewees, others).
  • The summary of key learnings to share and discuss with the team should be covered in 2 pager briefs.

Evaluation timeline:


Q3 2023

Q4 2023

Q1 2024





Jan - Mar 2024

Submission Proposal

 14 – 22





Reviewers selected






Reviewers contracted






Research design finalised






Tools developed and finalised





Desk research conducted


23 Oct – 10 Nov



Implementation review



13 Nov – 1 Dec


Interviews conducted, and data entered






Analysis (including internal immersion session)




18 Dec – 18 Jan

Reporting on key insights





 22 Jan – 2 Feb 


Annex-1: Result Framework

The document will be shared with prospective consultant.

8. Selection and award process

Proposals are welcome from those with the relevant expertise and experience. Experts must be able to demonstrate the following:

§  Experience in conducting qualitative monitoring and evaluation exercises for donor-funded programmes and writing reports to high professional standards

§  Experience in the social media and journalism sector, ideally including the structure of media industry and young audience

§  The experts must be independent and impartial. Individuals or organisations who are themselves engaged in implementation of current media development programmes will not be considered. To offer your services, please send a CV and a cover note highlighting relevant experience, confirm you are able to meet the schedule and required deliverables and provide a cost per month. Where the proposal is sent from a team of reviewers, please provide information on all members of the team, division of labour and approach. The experts will be shortlisted by BBC Media Action, with a final selection being made by the Funder. An online interview may be required.

Mandatory training

This role may involve working with groups of vulnerable children, youth, and adults. For the successful candidate, mandatory training will be provided on BBC Media Action's safeguarding policy and staff code of conduct. BBC Media Action operates a zero-tolerance policy concerning all forms of abuse and exploitation of vulnerable people. A police background check may form part of the recruitment process.

Privacy Notice

To comply with our legal obligations and the requirements of our donors, BBC Media Action is required to check that the organisations and individuals with which it does business, are not subject to international sanctions or other such legal restrictions. To do this we may need to process personal data. Our Privacy Notice sets out how we keep your data safe and protect your privacy.



ID Procurement


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