[newdevjobsindo] Vacancy Mercy Corps Indonesia: Consultant for Conducting Assessment on the Impact and Drivers of Digitalization towards Workforce Development in BNPB - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 11 September 2023

[newdevjobsindo] Vacancy Mercy Corps Indonesia: Consultant for Conducting Assessment on the Impact and Drivers of Digitalization towards Workforce Development in BNPB

1. Background:

Mercy Corps Indonesia is part of the global Mercy Corps family, a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within.


INVEST DM 2.0 (Investing in Human Capital for Disaster Management), is a USAID/BHA multi-year funded program implemented by Mercy Corps  - with consortium partners Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia (YMCI) and University of Hawaii (UoH) - designed to provide a holistic approach to support BNPB in carrying out its roles and duties to fill systems and skills gaps in priority areas, including increasing technical capacity covering disaster preparedness, response, and recovery; policy planning and development; improved governance and institutional strengthening/ organizational development. All of this boils down to one aspect, namely, the development of human capital. The main objective of INVEST DM 2.0 is to strengthen the capacity of disaster management agencies in Indonesia and resources at various administrative levels to fulfill their mandate of providing effective and life-saving disaster management services.


Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) is an institution that is mandated to carry out the functions of command, coordination, and implementation of disaster management activities in an integrated manner before, during, and after disasters that include prevention, mitigation, preparedness, emergency the response, and recovery.


1.1.     Bureaucracy Reform, E-Government (SPBE), Smart ASN and Digitalization

The bureaucratic reform in Indonesia has been an ongoing process since 2014. The goal of this reform is to make the Indonesian government bureaucracy more efficient, effective, and accountable to the people. One of the elements of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia is government performance enhancement through the improvement of electronic government services (SPBE/e-government). E-government primarily focuses on electronic service delivery to digitize processes and transactions to deliver government services and information. Digitizing the bureaucracy is vital to speeding the performance of an effective bureaucracy in the effort to build a world-class bureaucracy.


Smart ASN is a strategy and program to achieve the Grand Design of Bureaucracy Reform 2015-2025. The government, through the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), implements the Human Capital Management Strategy towards Smart ASN 2024[1]. Mastery of information technology is one of the eight principles of the Smart ASN profile. It is expected that ASN will have the competence and ability to use ICT strategically and appropriately either as users or as ICT functional positions.


1.2.     Impact on Organizational and Workforce Development

Human resources systems often need to reform alongside technology system upgrades. The future of work in the age of digitalization will be marked by a shift towards remote work, increased automation, and the need for new skills such as critical thinking, data analysis, and cybersecurity. It will require adaptability, flexibility, and a willingness to continuously learn and upskill.


One significant challenge is the digital divide among demographics and between genders – specifically how gender and age are contributing to a widening skills gap in digital literacy within the workforce. It can lead to reduced productivity and performance effectiveness among older workers, and or female workers hindering career advancement opportunities for these groups. Moreover, organizations may miss out on the valuable and insightful experiences of the older cohorts who are unable to fully participate in the digital transformation.


Effective organizational management is needed for running an effective e-government.  Organizations need to develop clear and comprehensive e-government policies and regulations to regulate all aspects of e-government and integrate e-government with other management systems like HR management, quality management, risk management, and financial management to improve effectiveness and efficiency. It is also necessary to build HR capacity to ensure ICT functional staff has competence and skills development, career development either in ICT-based jobs or non-ICT/managerial jobs.


There are no simple solutions for transforming analog organizations into digital ones; it isn't possible, or desirable, to assume that it might replace an existing workforce with one that is more 'digitally savvy'. Instead, public sectors need to embed a culture of change, supported by holistic strategies that revamp the working environment to encourage flexibility and adaptability; empower and enable their staff to be proactive with a positive approach to change; and identify, understand, and develop the necessary talent and skills for a digitally enabled public sector.


Purpose / Project Description:

The purpose and the overall objective of this activity is to conduct an assessment of the impact and drivers of digitalization towards workforce planning and development in BNPB.


BNPB is actively driving bureaucratic reform by working on the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE). This is shown by the increase of the BNPB SPBE index over the years, with a score of 3.72 in 2019, 3.98 in 2020, and 4.22 in 2021, indicating efforts to improve the implementation of SPBE.

However, based on the Evaluasi Sistem Aplikasi BNPB (INVEST DM 2.0, April 2022), until 2022, BNPB was recorded to have more than 60 applications spread across its units that were not fully integrated and lacked business process interoperability resulting in inconsistent management of data with similar functions across units. This has the potential to create performance inefficiencies and is not in line with the objectives outlined in the Regulation of the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency Number 8 of 2014. To improve the integration and interoperability of its system, BNPB has developed an internal API catalog website (Situs Katalog API)[2] , and currently, in collaboration with INVEST DM 2.0, BNPB is improving its ICT grand design.

With the increasing adoption of digital technologies in BNPB, there is a need to understand the impact of digitalization on its workforce development. Currently, there is a lack of studies that assess these aspects beyond technology. This assessment aims to explore how the adoption and penetration of digital technologies in BNPB are affecting current and future workforce performance; i.e. skills, competencies, and job roles and functions. The investigation intends to fill the gap by uncovering the key determinants that either enable or hinder the advancement of BNPB's digitalization process and current and future trajectories with a special focus on human resource management and its implication on current and future workforce planning and development policy and practice. This will help BNPB to develop strategies to cope with digitalization, build its digital skills, and minimize the threats of the new digital era. It is expected that the assessment will contribute to BNPB's bureaucracy reform agenda by providing its leadership and policy-makers with situational awareness of the agency's current workforce readiness posture and recommended strategies for more efficient and effective DRM service delivery of digital government.

Scope of the assessment:

The assessment will go beyond the investigation of technology-specific, phase-specific, or task-specific aspects, with more weight placed on the strategic and long-term organizational change perspective focusing on human capital development. This will help BNPB to better plan, resource, and position its workforce for ICT competency enhancement to meet the rapidly evolving and unstoppable digitally transformed future. The need for digital transformation is growing and becoming a critical ingredient for improved transparent and accountable governance as well as effective and efficient service delivery and a prerequisite for organizations to flourish in our rapidly modernizing high-tech world.  It is essentially an innovation process for which organizations need to adopt the right mindset (e.g. leadership and culture), assets (e.g. physical and intellectual/competencies), and tools (e.g. technology, processes, and strategies), and environment (e.g.inter-organizational relationships, regulatory frameworks, and policymaking).

The specific objectives of the research are:

1.    To assess the extent to which digitalization has affected workforce development in BNPB.

1.1. Identify changes (positive, negative) in people (workforce), processes (organization), and technology use that occurred as the impact of digitalization in BNPB

1.2. Identify and analyze organizational key drivers that are enabling and hindering the outcome of digitalization in BNPB.


2.    To examine the gaps in the BNPB workforce for performing digitalization (current and future):

2.1. Identify the key skills and competencies gaps of the workforce to adapt to digitalization, both for non-ICT staff and ICT functional staff, including analysis of gender and age dimensions, in the current situation as well as for the future (based on the strategic plan, ICT grand design and other relevant organizational strategies)

2.2. Identify the gaps in functions and responsibilities of the relevant working units in BNPB to adopt digital technology – implementing SPBE, and functioning of SMART ASN.


3.    To estimate a value-for-money analysis/public expenditure review on the costs of digitalization and funding of workforce training in BNPB.


4.    To provide recommendations for policymakers and leaders to support BNPB's workforce development for mastery of information technology (smart ASN) and the enabling environment for digitalization (SPBE implementation/indicators) which will contribute to the improvement of bureaucracy reform.


Methodology and Data Analysis Approach:

The assessment should utilize a proven framework or theory applicable to the purpose of analysis, the consultant should justify the selected approach/ framework in their proposal. It should present the categorization of data collected (quantitative and or qualitative methods), its connection to objectives, and how the consultant would analyze them. An inclusive approach is compulsory including a gender and disability-responsive approach. The appropriate methodology and tools regarding the assessment will be adjusted after the signed agreement between the consultant and Mercy Corps Indonesia.

Consultant Activities:

Under the direction of INVEST DM 2.0, the consultants shall perform the following activities:

1.    Conduct a literature review related to the topic of assessment, including the relevant policy and regulations both at the national and BNPB.

2.     Develop the detailed methodology, tools, sampling design, and sample size with clear justification including budget (fee and operational costs) as required (based on the proposed methodology.

3.    Responsible for data collection including logistics, permissions to conduct the assessment, and informed consent.

4.     Convene roundtable discussion to obtain experts' input for compilation of final recommendations.

5.     Present the assessment findings to BNPB, INVEST DM 2.0, and other stakeholders for feedback and dissemination.

6.     Develop a final assessment report


Consultant Deliverables:

The Consultant shall deliver to INVEST DM the following deliverables:

1.    An Inception Report that includes a literature review, a final proposal specifying methodology, a data analysis plan, and a detailed work plan.

2.    Submission of a comprehensive final study report after reviewing by INVEST DM 2.0 including a bilingual English-Indonesia executive summary

3.    A bilingual Policy Brief: Recommendations for policymakers/BNPB leaders on how to support enabling workforce development towards the digital government.

4.    Presentations of the study findings to INVEST DM 2.0 and BNPB and other relevant stakeholders in the research dissemination event.

5.    All hardcopy and data or some valuable materials (including raw data and verbatim), assessment instruments/ tools, and script or photo as documentation.

6.    An Activity Completion Report


Timeframe: September – November 2023, LoE of 20 days max.


Ethical Considerations:

·       Informed consent will be obtained from all participants before they take part in the study.

·       Participants' confidentiality will be maintained throughout the assessment process.

·       The assessment will adhere to ethical guidelines set out by relevant professional bodies.


The Consultant will report to:

Senior Knowledge Management, Research, and Communication Specialist


The Consultant will work closely with:

·       INVEST DM 2.0: Deputy Chief of Party, Outcome Managers, Legal and Government liaison.

·     BNPB: HR bureau, Pusdatinkom, Legal, Organization and Cooperation Bureau, Education and Training Center; and other relevant units.


Close supervision and support will be provided by INVEST DM 2.0. The selected consultant is expected to engage in day-to-day communication with INVEST DM 2.0 and the BNPB. The selected consultant shall maintain an effective working relationship and consolidate the methodology to ensure that the work is thoroughly understood by the BNPB.

INVEST DM 2.0 will facilitate communications throughout the contract period, and shall actively participate in the coordination, oversight, and implementation of this work. This may include adjustments in implementation as deemed necessary by INVEST DM 2.0.

Required Experience & Skills:

·     Proven as a researcher in conducting assessment and research and producing research reports using qualitative and quantitative methods minimum in the past 5 years

·     Have the ability to design qualitative and quantitative study methodology and instruments and with a minimum of 5 years of experience (portfolio)

·     Preferably having a team with a solid understanding of Bureaucracy Reform, SPBE, Digital Transformation for the Government/Public Sector, Human Resource Development (competence and career development), Organizational/change management, Performance Management and Evaluation, would be an advantage.

·     Possess an equal composition of qualified academics with relevant backgrounds, knowledge, experience, and capacity to manage research work.



Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Achieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world's most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives.

We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening, and evolving to become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive than we are today.


Equal Employment Opportunity

We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.


Safeguarding & Ethics

Mercy Corps Indonesia team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our stakeholders and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and MCI's policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.

How to apply

Prospective candidates shall email their technical proposal outlining (a) the proposed methodology, data analysis, and work plan; (b) key personnel's CV, academic credentials, and price quotation to procurement@id.mercycorps.org with the subject "The assessment of the Impact and Drivers of Digitalization towards Workforce Development in BNPB" before September 19, 2023. Only Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Best Regards,
Mercy Corps Indonesia


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