[newdevjobsindo] Extended Deadline_RFP Pelagic Fishery Survey and Assessment in Fishery Management Area 572 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 29 Mei 2024

[newdevjobsindo] Extended Deadline_RFP Pelagic Fishery Survey and Assessment in Fishery Management Area 572

CONSULTANT (Group/ Company)

Pelagic Fishery Survey and Assessment in Fishery Management Area 572

(Code: Fishery-Data-Collection)

Request for Proposals

Title: Pelagic data collection in WPP 572


Date of Issuance: 22 April 2024



1.     Background

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) seeks to improve its fisheries regulatory framework to address issues of over-exploitation and Illegal, Unregulated, Unreported (IUU) in its 11 Fisheries Management Areas (FMA; WPPNRIs). To address IUU fishing, the GoI is developing a quota-based fishery management system that would transition Indonesia's fisheries from less effective input control to catch control management3. As the second-largest seafood producer globally, sustainable fisheries management is critical to conserving Indonesian fisheries and the millions of livelihoods that depend on them.

However, to ensure sustainable fisheries management, we need to ensure long-lasting improved data collection and robust research. Further, we also need to invest in building the capacity of communities and forge meaningful partnerships with government institutions. Community-based data collection and research is an opportunity to communicate governmental data needs, build local research capacity, and empower communities to manage their own resources.

Our region of interest, WPPNRI 572, especially would highly benefit from better understanding of its fishery resources. Effective sustainable fisheries management requires both top-down policy approaches as planned by the GoI but also bottom-up, community-based activities that build enduring collaboration, understanding on monitoring needs, and community feedback on what data collection and research projects would work best in the local context.  


Our approach

We aim to pursue an integrative marine conservation and fisheries management approach that closes the ecological and economic loop between ocean production and protection. When our ocean's resources are protected and well managed, the environmental benefits  will impact livelihoods, equity, and food security. Correspondingly, sustainably managed ocean economic activities can help fund conservation activities.  Konservasi Indonesia (KI) would pilot this approach in WPPNRI 572 (west coast of Sumatra) with plans to upscale the approach across the WPPNRIs.

This integrated approach supports the GoI's blue economy goal of marine production through sustainable fisheries management and marine biodiversity and ETP (endangered, threatened, and protected) and migratory species protection through improved marine protected areas. The Blue Halo S is aligned the GoI's ambition to develop a sustainable blue economy as outlined in several national documents: the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 and National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005-2025. More granular roadmap and implementation of the blue economy vision is outlined in the Blue Economy Development Framework for Indonesia's Economic Transformation set up by the National Planning Development Agency (BAPPENAS).  Both MPA Vision 30x45 and quota-based fisheries programs have been included in the background studies as inputs of RPJMN 2024-2029 and RPJP 2025-2050 currently developed by BAPPENAS.

The projects outlined in this concept note would address data and research needs to directly fisheries management and build capacity of the local communities and academic institutions in our pilot area. This project is a bottom-up approach to complement the top-down policy from the GoI.


2.     Project Overview

The objectives of this project are:

1.       With Konservasi Indonesia, attend a kick-off meeting with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and the National Committee on Fish Stock Assessment Indonesia (Komnaskajiskan / Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Sumber Daya Ikan) to inform them of the upcoming survey and data collection effort.

2.     To conduct a frame survey where:

a)     The distribution of the target fishery is identified (tuna, neritic tuna/ tuna, tongkol, cakalang) in coastal waters.

b)     Total capacity / fishing effort of target fishery are quantified

c)      Major harbors and supply lines are identified

d)    Opportunistic survey of fleet distribution or supply line information on other fisheries in the same area

3.     Conduct primary data collection on pelagic fishery to determine:

a)     Catch composition

b)     Fishing grounds

4.     Calculate catch-per-unit-effort and conduct preliminary length-based stock assessment

5.     Formulate recommendations for management and next steps

6.     With Konservasi Indonesia, attend a wrap-up meeting with KKP and Komnaskajiskan to share results and recommendations for management.


3.    Terms of Reference, Deliverables and Deliverables Schedule


It is estimated that the Consultation will have a period from 1 May 2024 – 1 September 2025 for a series of activities to survey and collect primary catch data on pelagic fisheries in WPPNRI 572.



Frame survey and data collection will be conducted in WPPNRI 572. Consultants may be based outside of WPPNRI 572, with some field personnel to be based in key field locations (i.e., high fishing activity areas) as identified by the frame survey.







Deliverable date




Value (%) to be disbursed upon deliverable submission


Kick-off meeting with KKP and Komnaskajiskan to inform them of the upcoming survey and data collection effort


June 2024

a)   Consultants to prepare a presentation and share methodology during the kick-off meeting. (Konservasi Indonesia to organize and fund the meeting itself)

b)   Brief summary of inputs or comments from KKP and Komnaskajiskan




Workplan and desktop research

June 2024

a)   Workplan

b)   Frame survey methodology

c)   Desktop research results (a simple write up of key findings and next steps)




Frame survey

June 2024- April 2025

Interim report

Frame survey report/ results on

a)     Target fishery distribution within WPPNRI 572

b)     Total capacity / fishing effort of target fishery quantified

c)      Major harbors and supply lines identified  

10% (upon submission of the interim report)

15% (upon submission of the final report)


Updating KKP

January 2025/ as needed

Accompany and support KI during online update meetings with KKP



Fish catch data collection







July  2024- August 2025

a)   Initiate partnership with fishers or community members for data collection

b)   Secure data collection permission to local fishery agency

c)    Collected data should contain a minum of time/ day, catch species, fish size, fishing ground, and fishing effort.  

d) Interim update meetings with the Konservasi Indonesia team



Wrap-up meeting with local stakeholders (community members, local government officials, private sector)


Wrap-up meeting with KKP and Komanskajiskan held


July 2025

Consultants to prepare a presentation and share findings during the wrap-up workshop. (Konservasi Indonesia to organize and fund the meeting itself)




Final report of length-based stock assessment results, recommendations, and next steps

August 2025

Final report containing maps, assessment results, data set, recommendations, and inputs/comments/ proposed next steps from KKP and Komnaskajiskan included









Species-specific length-based stock assessment to assess the pelagic fishery in WPPNRI  572.


Technical Direction

The main contact for contract-related inquiries is KI's MPA-Fisheries Senior Manager and/or Oceans Program Director. Consultants will receive technical direction from experts at KI and KI Field program coordinators to ensure all tasks, results, and quality run on time. We expect the consultants to maintain an open and transparent line of communication to share updates on progress and challenges.

4.     Submission Details

a.     Deadline. Proposals must be received no later than June 07, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be submitted via email to ewibisono@konservasi-id.org and grantcontractID@konservasi-id.org. All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed in this RFP.

b.     Validity of bid. 120 days from the submission deadline

c.     Clarifications. Questions may be submitted to ewibisono@konservasi-id.org and grantcontractID@konservasi-id.org by the specified date and time in the timeline below. The subject of the email must contain the RFP number and title of the RFP. KI will respond in writing to submitted clarifications by the date specified in the timeline below. Responses to questions that may be of common interest to all bidders will be posted to the KI website and/or communicated via email.

d.     Amendments. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, KI may, for any reason, modify the RFP documents by amendment which will be posted to the KI website and/or communicated via email.


5.     Minimum Requirements

Prospective candidates must meet the following minimum requirements:

1.       An institution, organization, or team, consisting of:

a)     Team Lead (Fishery Scientist)

b)     Team Members, including field-based members

2.     Team Lead should have:

a)     Knowledge and expertise in fishery data collection, fish identification, and data-poor or length-based fishery stock assessments

b)     Have a professional degree in fisheries, marine biology, environmental science or other similar fields

c)      Knowledge and experience in ethical communication with government officials and local communities

d)     Strong and organized communication skills, including report writing skills

e)     Fluent in Indonesian and English both oral and written

3.     Team members should have:

a)     Knowledge and experience in fishery data collection and fish identification

b)     Have at least a bachelor's degree in fisheries, biology, environmental science or other similar fields

c)      Knowledge and experience in ethical communication with local government official and local communities

d)     Strong and organized communication skills

e)     Fluent in Indonesian, both oral and written; understanding local dialects is a plus


Evaluation criteria:

Technical planning, including approach, methodology, work plan, and timeline (50%). Portfolio and qualifications of key personnel (25%) and proposed budget (25%). We will assess the data quality and granularity as a large component of the technical planning category.


6.     Proposal Documents to Include

a.      Signed cover page on bidder's letterhead with the bidder's contact information.

b.     Signed Representation of Transparency, Integrity, Environmental and Social Responsibility (Attachment 1)

c.      Technical Proposal.

                                                i.     Corporate Capabilities, Experience, Past Performance, and 3 client references. Please include descriptions of similar projects or assignments and at least three client references.

                                              ii.     Qualifications of Key Personnel. Please attach CVs that demonstrate how the team proposed meets the minimum requirements listed in section 5 (Minimum Requirements).

                                             iii.     Technical Approach, Methodology and Detailed Work Plan. The Technical Proposal should describe in detail how the bidder intends to carry out the requirements described in the Terms of Reference (Section 3).

d.     Financial Proposal. Offerors shall use the cost proposal template (Attachment 2).


7.     Evaluation Criteria In evaluating proposals, KI will seek the best value for money considering the merits of the technical and costs proposals. Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:


Evaluation Criteria

Score (out of 100)


Is the proposed approach and methodology appropriate to the assignment and practical in the prevailing project circumstances? Does the proposed approach use the most economical way to maximize the quantity and quality of the data? 



Is the presentation clear and is the sequence of activities and the planning logical, realistic and promise efficient implementation to the project?


Does the bidder's past performance demonstrate recent proven experience doing similar work?



Does the bidder and the proposed personnel have the specific technical expertise for the assignment?


Budget: Costs proposed are reasonable and realistic, reflect a solid understanding of the assignment.





8.      Proposal Timeline


RFP publish

22 April – 7 June 2024

Clarifications submitted to KI

22 April – 7 June 2024

Clarifications provided to known bidders

22 April – 7 June 2024

Complete proposals due to KI

07 June 2024

Final selection

10  June 2024


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