[newdevjobsindo] Vacancy Consultant (Call for Proposal) for Scaling-up Extreme Poverty Graduation and Climate Change Resilience in Disaster Vulnerable Communities in Asia - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2024

[newdevjobsindo] Vacancy Consultant (Call for Proposal) for Scaling-up Extreme Poverty Graduation and Climate Change Resilience in Disaster Vulnerable Communities in Asia

Project Title
Scaling-up Extreme Poverty Graduation and Climate Change Resilience in Disaster Vulnerable Communities in Asia (SCALING-UP GRADUATION & RESILIENCE IN ASIA)
Name of Activity
Baseline Study
Proposed Time
September - October 2024
Proposed Budget
IDR 100.000.000 (Include Tax)

Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity, which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world's poorest people. IR is an independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities - regardless of race, religion or gender.
Our vision: Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond as one to the suffering of others.
Our mission: Exemplifying our Islamic values, we will mobilize resources, build partnerships, and develop local capacity, as we work to:
Enable communities to mitigate the effects of disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by providing relief, protection and recovery. Promote integrated development and environmental custodianship with a focus on sustainable livelihoods. Support the marginalized and vulnerable to voice their needs and address root causes of poverty. We allocate these resources regardless of race, political affiliation, gender or belief, and without expecting anything in return. At the international level, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and is a signatory to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. IRW is committed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through raising awareness of the issues that affect poor communities and through its work on the ground. Islamic Relief are one of only 13 charities that have fulfilled the criteria and have become members of the Disasters Emergency Committee (www.dec.org.uk)
IRW endeavors to work closely with local communities, focusing on capacity-building and empowerment to help them achieve development without dependency. Please see our website for more information http://www.islamic-relief.org/. Since 2022, Islamic Relief Indonesia has been transformed into local non-government organization. YRII has objectives to contribute to the social welfare of the Indonesians and to save and alleviate suffering. Through its projects, YRII has continuously been providing safe drinking water, improving hygienic sanitation facilities, increasing hygiene awareness, empowering the capacity and livelihood as well as providing shelters for people who affected by disasters and climate change, contributing to strengthening food security, improving the nutrition for malnourished children, and sponsoring orphan children to increase their welfare. The focus geographical areas of YRII are Banten, NTB, Aceh, and Central Sulawesi. Moreover, the temporary office was also established in West Sulawesi during an earthquake emergency in the early of January to July 2021.

The community in NTB province lacks resilience due to its high vulnerability to disaster and climate change impacts, and lack of internalization of Low Carbon Development and Climate Resilience (LCDCR) in government policy/planning/budgeting as this is a new thing and at an early stage of implementation in the province. Firstly, NTB province is vulnerable to climate change impact. NTB province has a middle level of disaster risk.1 NTB province is also projected to have a temperature increase of about 1 °C by 2030 and 1.6 – 2 °C by 2060 and rainfall by 2060 both increase and decrease by up to 5% in December–February.2 Moreover, NTB province is ranked at 8th out of 37 provinces on poverty.3 Currently, 744,690 People or 13, 28 % are living in poverty. Similarly, East Lombok District is the poorest district in the province (ranked 1st out of 10 districts in poverty) and has medium-level disaster risk with a score of about 127,12. Secondly, although there is greatest progress on DRR governance tends to happen at the national level, local governments are lacking in their capacity to reduce disaster risks, respond to disasters and recover from the impacts. 5 Similarly, existing environmental governance, including climate change sector is ineffective and fragmented (lack of implementing capacity, coordination, and funding). Currently, the NTB province is developing an LCD&CR planning document. The document is expected to be finished and legislated by the end of 2023. So, the gap for intervention is how to internalize the LCD&CR planning into relevant and prioritized provincial government agencies.
The SCALING-UP GRADUATION & RESILIENCE IN ASIA project has been implemented for around 6 months in the Sub-District of Suwela, East Lombok District, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Province. This project intends to improve the welfare of communities living in climate-induced disaster-prone areas. This project directly targets 1,000 climate vulnerable families (4,000 individuals). The project will guide and support them to graduate from extreme poverty within 3 years in Sha Allah. Targeted rightsholders and their families will in Sha Allah attain significantly improved socio-economic wellbeing, dignity and empowerment; whilst their communities will have strengthened resilience to anticipate, adapt, absorb and respond to disaster and climate-related risks.
The proposed project of scaling up graduation & resilience in Asia aimed to improve the welfare of the community living in climate-induced disaster-prone areas in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) province. The goal of the project is to increase household income and community resilience supported by improved government policy and practices on Low Carbon Development and Climate Resilience (LCD&CR) by 2026. This goal will be achieved through 4 main strategies:
  1. Graduation model; The project will use the graduation model with contextual adjustments and technical guidance and experience sharing from wider IR offices and team members in the region.
  2. Community Resilience Building; Participatorily assessing disaster and climate related risks at community level with local government, vulnerable groups and technical specialists and developing local risk reduction and adaptation action plans.
  3. Sub-national Advocacy; Sub-national (provincial) level advocacy to influence policy makers and key institutions, through strengthening or establishing multi-stakeholder platform/s for ending extreme poverty nationally (SDG1), championing policies and financing for community-based disaster risk reduction and locally led climate adaptation planning and action as part of government's commitment to SDGs, COP and NAP.
  4. Knowledge, Innovation, and Learning Management; Knowledge, innovation, impact and learning from the project and evidence-generated will be captured, systematically assessed, reviewed and documented and disseminated in line with the IR MEAL Framework amongst key national and international stakeholders, other CSOs and as well as to wider IR colleagues and offices in country, regionally and globally.
The project outcomes of this project as follow;
  • Enhanced resilient livelihood with increased income, assets & social development of the targeted families and communities.
  • Strengthened community level resilience to disaster and climate change impact.
  • Strengthened system and capacities of the national and provincial level institutions and stakeholders on disaster and climate resilience and scaling-up Locally Led Adaptation (LLA) mechanism.
  • Strengthened IR in-country, regional and global level capacity on innovation and learning sharing and scaling-up Poverty Graduation, Disaster Risk and Climate Resilience initiatives.
  • To guide the project implementation and create a benchmark for monitoring and evaluating project expected results, specific objectives, and impact. Practical Action intended to set the best practices is required through baseline study in the locations of the project in Suwela sub-district, East Lombok District, West Nusa Tenggara.

The baseline study has significant purpose for setting benchmark needed to measure progress of the project or completed intervention of the program which included several objectives:
      • Establish realistic goals and measure the progress towards the intended results
      • Manage accountability through providing the information of what impact that the project is creating on the community
      • Inform and encourage stakeholders to regard specific issues and increase their participation
      • Create justification for policymakers and donors for a project intervention
      • Configure prospect and communication strategies required for the project implementation

  2.          4. SCOPE OF STUDY
These baseline study will be utilized to examine several key issues, including:
    1. Assessing baseline data according to project indicators at the impact to outcome levels
    2. Appropriateness of the project sites, by gathering background information encompassing:
      1. Analysis of the appropriateness of the proposed villages
      2. Vulnerability and exposure to climate events
      3. Gaps, needs and potential mitigation and adaptation opportunities
      4. SGD 1 and 13 related indicators
      5. A, B, C & D (A= Wealthy/Rich, B= Middle class, C= Poor, D= Extremely poor) as a measurement category based on well-Being Analysis (WBA)
    3. Elaboration of project relevant factors analysis, consisting of Potential economic/livelihood activities-results of participative resource mapping, issues related to WASH, health, housing, education, protection, access to rights, gender equality, climate change, identifying and foreseeing possible environmental conflict.
    4. Elaboration of a detailed socio-economic target group analysis, consisting of: Number of potential RHs (Direct and indirect), Type of beneficiaries (occupation, sex, age, social and economic rank, etc.), and Interrelations between the stakeholders.
Below is the collection of baseline data and assessment of the baseline situation guiding questions:
  1. What is the (baseline) situation in the region, the country?
  2. What is the level of education attained?
  3. What are the major expenses of the household (e.g., food, housing, healthcare, education)?
  4. What are the initial assets and capabilities of the household (e.g., livestock, skills, social connections)?
  5. What is the socioeconomic, legal, and cultural (gender) context?
  6. What climate-induced disasters have been identified?
  7. What are the causes for these and what impact are they having on the living circumstances of the population and on which sections of the population in particular?
  8. What need has been derived from the analysis of problems? How has this been/is this being determined?
  9. What is the background and impact of the previous interventions?
  10. Whose stakeholders potentially play a key role (including who are the risk drivers)?
  11. Are there any alternatives to the planned project or parts of it?
  12. How is the sustainability of the project

The study will be conducted in four villages of Puncak Jeringo, Perigi, Selaparang and Mekarsari, sub-district of Suwela, East Lombok District, West Nusa Tenggara Province.

The methodological design of the baseline study will be proposed by the consultant, and it should include a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods such as literature review, data collection and analysis, semi-structured interviews, focus groups discussions, key informant interviews and workshops. The choice of method must take into account the needs and capacities of the different target groups and stakeholders (children, youth, women, elderly, people with disability, community farmers, staff of YRII and local partners, province and district government representatives, etc.)
The key deliverables of this baseline study will consist of:
  • Inception report having detailed baseline plan and design including data collection tools and protocols.
  • The work plan, inception report, draft report, final report, presentation, etc., and communication language must be in English.
  • Conduct physical interviews with IR Indonesia leadership and physical interview (FGD, KII, Interview, etc.) with IR Indonesia management, programme team, MEAL team, key stakeholders, community leaders, rightsholders, field staff etc.
  • Orient the local survey team for the data collection process and questionnaire and data collection protocol (if required).
  • Develop quantitative data collection tools and checklists (questionnaire) in KOBO, data quality checking, support the data collection team, data quality management, and data editing and analysis.
  • Collation and analysis of evaluation data and submission of the first draft to IR Indonesia for comments and share the initial presentation of findings to IR Indonesia.
  • Draft report (max. 30 pages (without attachment), based on scope of study as mentioned above, to be submitted to before the workshop discussing the draft.
  • Final report (max. 30 pages), based on tasks 2-11 as mentioned above, no later than one week after reception of comments on the draft report.
The consultancy period 05.09.2024 - 07.10.2024. starting from the agreement contract sign-off date and ending when the final baseline study report has been formally approved by YRII.
Call for proposal
  12 August 2024
Final date for submission of proposal
27 August 2024
HR & Logistic Team
Proposals considered, short-listing and follow
up enquiries completed
30 August 2024
HR & Logistic Team
Consultant interview and final selection
  2 Sept 2024
  HR & Logistic Team
Consultancy Contract sign
5 Sept 2024
HR & Logistic Team
Meeting with the consultant and agree on an
evaluation methodology, action plan, working schedule
7 Sept 2024
Consultant, MEAL and
Program Team (local partners)
Submission of Inception Report (at least 7days
before commencing the baseline)
10 Sept 2024
Data collection
17 – 21 Sept 2024
Data cleaning and validation
23 Sept 2024
Collation and analysis of baseline data, and
submission of the draft report to YRII/IRW for feedback
25 – 29 Sept 2024
IRW/YRII responses to draft report
1 Oct 2024
MEAL & Program
Team (local partners)
Exit Meeting
3 Oct 2024
Consultant, MEAL and Program Team (local
Final report
7 Oct 2024

The consultant must demonstrate evidence of a high level of research experience, especially in conducting baseline studies on the issues of socio-economic and climate change. The consultant should possess strong statistical/quantitative and qualitative research skills with excellent writing abilities. An appreciation and understanding of teamwork are highly required together with a high level of professionalism and ability to meet tight deadlines.
The specific required qualifications are below;
    • Extensive experience in research work especially in baseline study of poverty, climate change, disaster risk reduction in targeted project areas is preferred;
    • At least a master's degree in environment studies, agriculture, developmental studies, and social science or related field for the lead consultant OR a minimum of bachelor's degree on the relevant academic areas with 7 years of progressive experience in research particularly in conducting Baseline study related to similar project sectors can be acceptable.
    • Five years demonstrated experience in research in context like Indonesia specifically in West Nusa Tenggara Barat with sound understanding of cross cutting themes such as child protection, child rights, people live in poverty, women empowerment and gender.
    • Knowledge in Research Methodologies and application of various tools including practical experience in assessments, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of community-based interventions
    • The incumbent should have proven experience in using participatory methods such as data collection and analysis.
    • Fluency in spoken and written English, knowledge of local language is an advantage
    • Excellent analytical and report writing skills with skills in using statistical packages such as SPSS.

The consultant is obliged to respect the following ethical and child protection requirements:
    • Fair and inclusive: the consultant should seek the views of various stakeholders: Children with and without disabilities, street children, youth, their families, CSOs, community, partners and government actors and be able to identify and address potential conflict of interest and unequal power relationships. Special efforts should be made to make the research process child-centered and sensitive to gender and inclusion.
    • Conflict of interest: the consultant must demonstrate the necessary independence and declare any conflict of interest and potential biases, including bias towards any of the stakeholders, target groups, types of research methodologies or approach, social, political or religious prejudice.
    • Based on rights and ethics: the consultant must respect the rights and dignity of participants as well as comply with relevant ethical standards and YRII's Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct.
    • The research must ensure appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation; a process of free and un-coerced consent and withdrawal and confidentiality and anonymity of participants. The informed consent of each person (including children) participating in data collection should be documented.

The budget allocation for this final evaluation including meeting and tender process allocated from the BUDLOC project is IDR 100,000,000 (a hundred million rupiah) including Tax.

The consultant will receive payment in three terms as follows;
    • The 1st payment of 40% will be paid after an inception report which includes data collection instruments and timeline
    • The 2nd payment of 40% will be paid after 1st final report received and approved
    • The 3rd payment of 20% will be paid after the final report sign off by CEO
The consultancy of this baseline study is expected to be done by the University of Mataram. This service has been designed on the partnership planning between Islamic Relief Indonesia and the University of Mataram and is a follow up of MoU and MoA between two parties. This consultancy has been also stated on the project proposal.
The University Mataram will be requested to send their proposals (Technical and Financial) including:
  1. Technical Proposal includes:
    • Experience of carrying out the similar type of task
    • Description of methodologies
    • Updated CV of the candidate
    • Tentative Work plan.
    • Appropriate outline of the report.
  2. Financial Proposal includes
    • Budget Breakdown
    • Budget breakdown
  3. Interested candidates (in team) should submit a Proposal and list of references (a must) addressed to irid.procurement@islamic-relief.or.id. The closing date to submit the Proposal is the 27th of August 2024

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