[newdevjobsindo] SNV is Looking for Expert to Support The WASH SOP Standardization for Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 22 Juli 2021

[newdevjobsindo] SNV is Looking for Expert to Support The WASH SOP Standardization for Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant






Consultancy Work on Format Standardization and Socialization of Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs)

for the Management and Operation of Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant

and Related Desludging Services in Tasikmalaya City



1. SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation that focuses on increasing people’s incomes and access to basic services in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Agriculture, and Renewable Energy. By connecting our global expertise with longstanding in-country presence, we help realise locally-owned solutions in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Established in 1965 in the Netherlands, our projects directly benefit millions of people (4.4M in 2018). SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor.


2. the WASH SDGs for sustainable and inclusive cities programme

SNV understands safe sanitation and hygiene services as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. With Indonesia’s urbanization rate at 2.3% (World Bank, 2018), a failure to invest in urban sanitation will become a barrier for almost any development in the country. Access to sanitation is a human right and governments are the duty bearers of progressive realisation of this right. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 6 and the 2020-2024 RPJMN, Indonesia is committed to work towards universal access to safely managed sanitation services, this means services for all and addressing the safety of the entire sanitation chain from access to safe disposal or re-use.

Through the Dutch Government funded WASH SDGs programme, SNV supports local governments of Tasikmalaya City in West Java Province in achieving sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation services, in line with national programmes and targets. Together, we change the way human waste is managed by addressing different needs among the population, different parts of the sanitation service chain, and different geographical areas with appropriate service delivery models.


3. background

3.1 Background on Sanitation

Safely managed sanitation is defined as the use of an improved sanitation facility which is not shared with other households and where excreta is safely disposed in situ or transported and treated off-site (WHO, 2017). Safely managed in sanitation occurs when a facility is accessible in a sustainable manner and it is one of the core indicators for the Sustainable Development Goal 6, adopted in Indonesia through Presidential Decree 59/2017 and embedded in the national 5 years development plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024. Indonesia is committed to reach a national target of 15% safely managed sanitation by 2024, from a baseline that currently stands at 7% (Bappenas, 2019).

Today, 77% households (HHs) in Indonesia have already access to sanitation facilities, with the vast majority relying on on-site facilities (septic tanks or cesspools). To achieve safely managed sanitation, the content of the septic tanks (faecal sludge) must be emptied and transported to a faecal sludge treatment plant (FSTP or Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Tinja (IPLT)), where it can be properly processed so as to be safely disposed into the environment.

3.2 Background on Faecal Sludge Treatment and SOPs

As of today, there are over 290 IPLTs built across Indonesia. Many of these are recent while others were built more than a decade ago (and undergone renovation in the meantime), with different levels of functionality being reported, including very limited or non-functioning. Common problems reported include design issues, overcapacity, under capacity, lack of operation and management (O&M) funds, and limited use of/no availability of SOPs for the adequate management and operation of the IPLTs. The IPLTs construction by the government of Indonesia (GoI) through Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlements (MPWHS) is basically equipped with the availability of SOPs, but the SOPs were often not implemented and, sometimes, not available at the IPLTs. The absence of SOP or user-friendly SOPs causes operators to work independently based on their knowledge.

In the cities of Tasikmalaya, SNV aims at increasing the capacity of the FSTP operator, among others. In 2020, SNV has developed user-friendly SOP for the operator. The SOP was developed in a participatory manner, involving all relevant stakeholders, including IPLT manager and workers. The SOP has been tested and revised based on feedback from users.

At present, the developed SOP has improved significantly the effluent quality in Tasikmalaya. However, from the legal point of view, the developed SOP cannot be legalized at the local level, and thus is not allowed to be implemented further as it does not conform to the standard format issued by the national government. For this purpose, SNV will adjust the SOP to adhere to the reference issued by the national government, while including the user-friendly supporting materials as annex and maintain that the annex is aligned to the standardized SOP. This step is necessary as indicated by the significantly improved effluent quality during the testing of the SOP in Tasikmalaya city.


4. general objective

Through the activity, SNV’s WASH SDGs programme is aimed at improving the capacity of the operator of the FSTP in Tasikmalaya by equipping the operator with legal and standardized SOP, along with supporting user-friendly materials needed for the management and operation of the FSTP, as well as related desludging services.


5. specific objectives and scopes of consultancy work

The specific objectives and scopes of the consultancy work in Tasikmalaya are:

1.      To examine the existing SOP previously developed by SNV and to improve the quality of the SOP, especially on technical, health, and safety aspects, taking into account relevant Outcome Indicators used by SNV on measuring the operators’ performance, specifically on:

a.      Improving the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) of faecal sludge emptying services (both for public and private service providers)

b.      Improving the professionalisation of FSM services, both for public and private operators

2.      To improve the quality of the SOP on climate change aspect

3.      To adjust the SOP to the latest condition at the IPLT, taking into account retrofitting activities taking place at the IPLT

4.    To prepare the SOP into legal and standardized format and guidance issued by the Ministry for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Permenpan 35/2012) on guidelines for developing standard operational government administration procedures, as well as the formats and guidance issued by the Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlements (MPWHS) (Permen PUPR 04/2017) on operation of domestic wastewater management systems.

5.      To ensure that the user-friendly materials are included and aligned to the adjusted SOP

6.      To assist the operator in legalizing the SOP at relevant government line agency

7.      To train relevant users (from desludging to treatment, reuse and disposal of faecal sludge at the three cities) on the implementation of the SOP

8.      To assist SNV Advisor in developing monitoring and evaluation framework for the successful and sustainable implementation of the SOP



6. TIMEframe

The selected team of consultant (individual or a team of max. 2 experts) are expected to work on the assignment for an effective of 18 days, starting upon contract signing and complete the entire contract before November 15, 2021. The data collection and related field work will be adjusted to conditions in the field, especially on the pandemic situation.


The proposed timeframe is as follow:




Est. no. of days













Coordination meeting (the consultant & SNV team)








Development of preliminary methodology, assessment protocol, and work plan








Review by SNV (and revision by consultant if needed)













Gap Analysis: Examining existing SOPs, SNV’s Outcome Indicators extract, relevant SOP guidance on national level as per SoW













Review by SNV (and revision by consultant if needed)













Refining methodology, preparing detailed assessment protocol, work plan (incl. field visit)













Review by SNV (and revision by consultant if needed); preparation for field visit













Data collection (incl. field visit)













Development of improved and standardized SOP for each IPLT and related desludging services, including supporting materials (all checklist, document controls, etc.) as per SoW













Review by SNV (and revision by consultant if needed)













Legalization of SOP













Training relevant users for the correct implementation of SOP













Assisting SNV Advisor in developing monev framework













Total number of days














7. deliverables

The deliverables are as follow:

Deliverable 1: Development of preliminary methodology, assessment protocol, and work plan in English or Indonesian

Deliverable 2: Gap analysis report in Indonesian, with executive summary in English and Indonesian

Deliverable 3: Refined methodology, detailed assessment protocol, and work plan (incl. field visit) in English or Indonesian

Deliverable 4: improved and standardized the SOP for IPLT and related desludging services, including supporting materials (all checklist, document controls, etc.) as per SoW in Indonesian

Deliverable 5: Legalized SOP

Deliverable 6: Delivery of training with SOP and visual nudges printed

Deliverable 7: Monev framework in English or Indonesian


7. Qualifications

The consultant (individual or a team of max. 2 experts) should have (at least):

a.      Bachelor’s degree from environmental/ civil/ chemical engineering or other relevant academic background

b.      Minimum 5 years of professional experience in sanitation sector in Indonesia

c.       Have proven experience (by providing contact of references and example of work) in assisting local government(s) in Indonesia in developing standard and legal technical and administrative SOP for the management and operation of faecal sludge treatment plants and related services (desludging) within the last 10 years

d.      Work experience and expertise in climate change is an advantage

e.      Have excellent command in MS Office

f.        Not currently undertaking any other tight-scheduled project(s) that may hinder the completion of work by November 15, 2021




·       Advise on the assessment set up and design, providing relevant materials and feedback as required;

·       Pay the fee and costs related to the field work and arrange travel as per SNV policy and standard;

·       Assist with arranging contacts with relevant stakeholders (interview, meetings, etc.) as required.

Consultant Team

·       Lead the assessment and producing the deliverables;

·       Involve SNV and relevant local government in the process.


9. Budget

The applicants are requested to submit a financial proposal which covers consultancy fee. SNV will cover all relevant activity costs, i.e. travels and accommodation costs for the field activities according to SNV’s internal policy, as well as printing materials as relevant. Payment will be made in IDR to the agreed account with lump sum package.


10. Implementation Arrangement

Consultant will report to SNV’s Senior WASH specialist and will work closely with SNV advisor and cities coordinators assigned to support the consultancy in each targeted city.

Consultant will follow SNV Code of Conducts and follow national and local government protocols on health and safety (including taking up vaccination and swab antigen) required for travels.  


11. Application Process

Please send the following application documents:

a.      An updated CV in English (no longer than 3 pages) of each expert, along with relevant contact reference and example of relevant work mentioned in Section 7

b.      Financial proposal mentioning expected consultancy fee

c.       List of project references

to cherisatsiwi@snv.org with CC to lsaptalena@snv.org by Wednesday July 28th, 2021 with subject “WASH SOP Standardization”.


For more information on SNV please refer to our website: www.snv.org



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