Agustus 2022 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2022



Sejak dimulai pada September 2020, Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) melalui salah satu proyeknya bernama 'Bridges to the Future: ASEAN Youth Employment (BTF)' yang dinaungi oleh program Ketenagakerjaan dan Kewirausahaan Kaum Muda (YEE), mengimplementasikan kegiatan pelatihan kesiapan kerja bagi kaum muda berusia 18-29 tahun yang terdampak oleh pandemik COVID-19 secara ekonomi.

Proyek yang didukung penuh oleh lembaga filantropi ini berupaya menjangkau sejumlah 5.200 kaum muda yang berdomisili utamanya di Jabodetabek untuk mendapatkan akses pelatihan kerja (soft skill dan technical skill), pendampingan (mentoring dan career coaching), dukungan psikososial, dan penyaluran kerja secara gratis. Dari 5.200 peserta yang terekrut, 3.200 diproyeksikan sebagai 'direct beneficiaries' yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan kesiapan kerja langsung secara bertahap dan 2.000 lainnya merupakan 'indirect beneficiaries' yang mendapatkan pendampingan dalam proses penyaluran kerja melalui kegiatan bursa kerja/job fair.

Menuju masa akhir proyek di Oktober 2022, pada bulan Agustus Bridges to the Future telah berhasil menyediakan pelatihan soft skill bagi 3.472 kaum muda dan pelatihan teknis bagi 1.323 kaum muda, yang 1.285 diantaranya telah berhasil mendapatkan pekerjaan (56,7% Perempuan; 43,3% laki-laki; 1,9% disabilitas). Dalam perjalanannya, BTF juga mewadahi partisipasi aktif peserta untuk terlibat secara langsung dalam kegiatan komunitas dan mendapatkan ruang untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan pengalaman dirinya melalui kontribusi sebagai 'Youth Champion BTF'.

Sebagai 'Youth Champion BTF', para peserta yang disebut sebagai Brightees terkategorisasi melalui berbagai peran, diantaranya menjadi Buddies (perwakilan kelas dalam persiapan pelatihan soft skill); Typist (pengetik closed caption dalam kegiatan virtual untuk menyediakan akses bagi peserta dengan disabilitas Tuli); Focal Point Mentoring (yang membantu menginformasikan kegiatan mentoring BTF di grup peserta); MC/Moderator (yang menjadi MC/Moderator dalam kegiatan virtual BTF), PIC untuk Sharing Info Lowongan Kerja, Tim pelaksana kegiatan Cangkir (Bincang Karier) maupun Canthing (Bincang Everything), dan Career Buddies untuk menyediakan review CV dan Interview Kerja.

Selain menjadi tim aktif yang mampu mendukung beragam kegiatan BTF, kehadiran puluhan Youth Champion (20 YC aktif dan 30 lainnya merupakan Brightees yang aktif berpartisipasi) untuk melakukan kegiatan sukarela bagi komunitas BTF diantara 3000-an Brightees yang dinaungi oleh komunitas BTF secara langsung merupakan sampel yang dapat merepresentasikan adanya potensi berkontribusi, keinginan berkembang, dan bibit kepemimpinan dari kaum muda tersebut. Hal ini menjadi penanda yang baik, yaitu jika mereka dapat dibekali lebih dengan peningkatan kapasitas, maka mereka berpotensi untuk dapat menjadi pemimpin/penggerak di masa masa depan, dimulai dari diri dan lingkungannya masing-masing.

Berdasarkan asesmen pada potensi tersebut, Bridges to the Future berupaya menyediakan dukungan bagi Brightees pilihan yang paling kontributif dan dedikatif ini melalui kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas (capacity building) melalui pelatihan tatap muka selama dua hari satu malam, dengan tujuan pembekalan tahap lanjut untuk mempersiapkan diri mereka sebagai pemimpin masa depan dan apresiasi atas semangat kontribusi mereka. Selain apresiasi dalam bentuk pertemuan tatap muka tersebut, BTF juga akan mempersiapkan dukungan bagi Brightees lainnya yang aktif melalui tes minat bakat, produksi working kits sebagai merchandise, serta produksi buku berisi kumpulan testimoni perjalanan kisah bertumbuh para Brightees selama mengikuti kegiatan BTF yang berjudul 'Treasure of Bridges to the Future'. Seluruh dukungan ini akan dibantu sediakan oleh konsultan/vendor terpilih.


  1. Menyediakan kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas (capacity building) secara tatap muka kepada 50 Brightees BTF meliputi materi pengembangan diri dan karier, termasuk jasa konsultasi dan fasilitasi, pengembangan materi, persiapan dan pembiayaan venue, administrasi, pendampingan, dokumentasi, visibility, tes antigen seluruh peserta, serta laporan akhir
  2. Mengimplementasikan pembekalan karier dan pengembangan diri tahap lanjut untuk mempersiapkan peserta sebagai pemimpin potensial di masa depan
  3. Menyediakan dukungan tes minat bakat oleh Lembaga yang telah terverifikasi kepada 50 peserta terpilih
  4. Memproduksi buku kisah bertumbuh Brightees berjudul 'Treasure of Bridges to the Future' dengan materi yang telah disiapkan oleh tim BTF. Produksi meliputi desain layout, cetak, review, dan pengiriman
  5. Memproduksi merchandise BTF sejumlah 120 item
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat mengunduh tautan berikut 


Calon konsultan mengirimkan aplikasi ke dengan subjek "Konsultan Offline Capacity Building BTF_Nama Organisasi Konsultan" sebelum 4 September 2022 jam 17.00 WIB

Seluruh penawaran yang diterima akan diperlakukan secara rahasia

Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan menerima pemberitahuan lebih lanjut dan diundang untuk wawancara. 

"Plan Indonesia mendorong Perempuan Indonesia yang memiliki usaha untuk berpartisipasi"

[newdevjobsindo] Request for proposal “IT Demand Assessment for MSMEs Work in Tech – YEE”

Plan International telah bekerja di Indonesia sejak 1969 dan resmi menjadi Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (YPII) pada tahun 2017 bekerja untuk memperjuangkan pemenuhan hak anak dan kesetaraan bagi anak perempuan. Salah satu programnya, Ketenagakerjaan dan Kewirausahaan Kaum Muda (YEE), diimplementasikan dengan tujuan agar kaum muda marginal, terutama perempuan, mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak melalui pekerjaan formal maupun berwirausaha. Sejak 2016, Program YEE memulai proyek ketenagakerjaan di bidang ICT, dengan fokus kaum muda perempuan, yang bertujuan untuk mendorong akses kaum muda marjinal terhadap kesempatan ekonomi dari sektor yang tumbuh dan menjanjikan di masa depan. Melalui program Kiat Muda, Tech Muda, ICT for Girls, dan saat ini Work in Tech Plan Indonesia memberikan pendampingan dan pelatihan bagi kaum muda untuk bisa beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan pasar kerja.

Saat ini, melalui dukungan dari, serta bermitra dengan INCO, Plan Indonesia melanjutkan komitmennya untuk mendukung partisipasi kaum muda di daerah Jawa Timur dan Jawa Barat di bidang IT Support. Sebanyak 10,000 beasiswa program sertifikasi IT Support Google Professional akan diberikan kepada kaum muda, dengan fokus kepada kaum muda miskin, kaum muda perempuan, kaum muda difabel dan kaum muda yang terdampak secara ekonomi oleh COVID 19. Tujuan proyek ini adalah membekali 10,000 anak muda usia 18-29 tahun di Indonesia dengan keterampilan IT Support, serta menyalurkan para penerima manfaat proyek yang sudah terlatih ini ke peluang kerja yang diharapkan. Untuk mendukung kegiatan tersebut, maka diperlukan sebuah assessment yang dapat memberikan gambaran terkait kebutuhan penguasaan technical skill, terutama di bidang IT diperlukan oleh private sector dan kelompok usaha kecil menengah (UMKM) di wilayah Bandung, Cirebon, Surabaya, Malang, Jabodetabek, Yogyakarta, Bali (Badung dan Denpasar) dan Makassar. Dengan tersedianya gambaran kebutuhan penguasaan technical skill, maka diharapkan akan mendukung proses link and match yang akan berujung pada penyerapan tenaga kerja di wilayah terkait.

Informasi lebih lengkap dapat mengunduh tautan berikut 

Calon vendor mengirimkan aplikasi ke dengan subjek "Enumerator IT Demands Assessment_Work in Tech_Nama" sebelum 08 September 2022 jam 17.00 WIB

Seluruh penawaran yang diterima akan diperlakukan secara rahasia.

Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan menerima pemberitahuan lebih lanjut dan diundang untuk wawancara.

"Plan Indonesia mendorong Perempuan Indonesia untuk berpartisipasi dalam bidding ini"

[newdevjobsindo] VACANCY USAID IUWASH Tangguh: Individual Consultant for GESI Assessment Specialist

We're hiring! 


USAID Indonesia Urban Resilient Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (USAID IUWASH Tangguh) is a five-year Activity to advance Indonesia's development goals in increasing access to safely managed drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in vulnerable urban areas and strengthening climate-resilient WASH services and water resources management. In close partnership with the Government of Indonesia (GOI), USAID IUWASH Tangguh supports Indonesia's work to achieve their Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets to ensure access to water and sanitation for all (SDG 6) and to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable (SDG 11).

Using an Integrated Resilient IUWASH Systems (IRIS) approach—which aligns actions and incentives between upstream and downstream actors, while crowding in collaboration with key stakeholders through partnerships that accelerate the enabling environment and key enabling factors, such as finance and data—the USAID IUWASH Tangguh team will provide technical assistance to GOI, private sector and civil society stakeholders to achieve four objectives: 1) Strengthened WASH and WRM Sector Governance and Financing; 2) Increased Access to Poor-Inclusive, Climate-Resilient, Safely Managed Drinking Water and Sanitation Services; 3) Improved Water Resources Management to Support Resilient Drinking Water Services; and 4) Increased Adoption of Behaviors and Improved Women's Participation and Leadership Roles that Contribute to Improvements of WASH and WRM.


USAID IUWASH Tangguh is looking for short term Individual Consultant for GESI Assessment Specialist


The primary purpose of this position is to conduct gender assessment, especially related to GRBP/PPRG and gender mainstreaming capacity of existing gender working groups.


§  Responsible for collecting all required planning and budgeting documents as well as other supporting documents including gender mainstreaming policies in WASH and WRM sectors

§  Conducting gender review and analysis of gender policy, program, and related documents to ensure the availability of gender responsive planning and budgeting in WASH and WRM

§  Reviewing technical guidelines and gender mainstreaming policies and how they are integrated into WASH and WRM sectors, particularly in the development of GRBP by accommodating experiences, aspirations, needs, capacities and vulnerability of both women and men,

§  Assess organizational structure of the government, which has the main task of supporting the implementation of gender mainstreaming, both in the structural works such as agencies/bureaus/departments and at ad hoc units such as Pokja, PUG (Pengarusutamaan Gender) focal points.

§  Assess the capacity of gender mainstreaming working group, gender working group, focal point, and gender driver by considering their understanding of gender related development planning priorities in WASH and WRM and their relevance to the achievement of SDGs

§  Gender action plan review that specifically related to gender issues that should be integrated in the process of planning, budgeting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation, especially to address gender issue of gender disparities in WASH and WRM

§  Reviewing gender responsive audit guidelines, GRBP (Gender Responsive Budget and Planning) monitoring and evaluation tools and how the process delivered

§  Collect gender responsive planning and budgeting, SADD (Sex and Age Disaggregated Data) documents needed or other supporting documents for analysis especially those relevant to WASH and WRM

§  Conducting relevant activities to understand the process and status of gender audit conducted by the LGs


1.       LGs development plan document, especially to address the issue of gender disparities in WASH and WRM

2.       Gender mainstreaming policies documents to support the implementation of WASH and WRM

3.       Organizational structure of the government work substantively both in the structural work units and in ad hoc work units to promote GESI (Gender Equality and Social Inclusion) in WASH and WRM

4.       Capacity map of the gender working group to see the important training or mentoring needs to support the work of GWG (Gender Working Group), focal points, or gender drivers

5.       Gender working group, gender mainstreaming focal point, gender driver capacity knowledge and skill

6.       Gender responsive planning, and budgeting (which shows the amount of budget allocated for WASH and WRM and the budget management mechanism)

7.       Gender Action plan relevant to WASH and WRM to address differences in access, participation, control and development benefits for women and men with the aim of realizing an equitable budget

8.       Results of PPRG monitoring and evaluation: benefits for women and men groups, and lesson learn


Minimum Requirements:

§  Bachelor's degree in relevant fields such as Social Science, Developmental Studies, Public Administration, Business Administration, etc.

§  At least seven (Bachelor) or five years (Master) of experience working as a development professional with government, community, NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) or private sector

§  Experience in conducting desk study or document review with using gender lens

§  Familiar with gender analysis instruments

§  Experience in managing, and facilitating the group discussion to stakeholder / beneficiary

§  Excellent organizational skills

§  Good communication and writing skills.


Candidates for this position must have strong communication skills, both interpersonal and written, preferably fluent in English, reading and writing. Early applicants are encouraged.



Applicants are encouraged to apply soon and send the application to The close date of application will be until September 10th , 2022.



DAI is a global development company with corporate offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, EU, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Palestine and project operations worldwide. We tackle fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. DAI works on the frontlines of global development. Transforming ideas into action—action into impact. We are committed to shaping a more livable world.


DAI and its employees are committed to confronting racism and holding ourselves accountable for positive change within the company and in the communities, cultures, and countries in which we live and work.  DAI is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees from all races and backgrounds in our continued effort to become a better development partner. DAI upholds the highest ethical standards. We are committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment as well as other ethical breaches. All of our positions are therefore subject to stringent vetting and reference checks.

[newdevjobsindo] RIKOLTO - Call for Consultancy (Evaluator) Proposal 2022-2026


 1.     Context of the assignment  

Rikolto is an international NGO with more than 40 years of experience in partnering with farmer organisations and food chain stakeholders across Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Rikolto runs programmes in 18 countries worldwide through seven regional offices.   

Rikolto's mission is to work towards a sustainable income for farmers and nutritious, affordable food for everyone. We reach our goals by building bridges between smallholder farmer organisations, companies, authorities and other actors across rural and urban areas. Together, we create innovative ways of accessing, distributing and producing nutritious, quality food, so no one is left behind. Through our global network, we seek to inspire others to tackle with us the interrelated challenges of food insecurity, climate change, and economic inequality.   

1.1. Rikolto's 2022-2026 strategy  

In 2021, the organisation launched its  2022-2026 strategy to enable consumers in at least 30 major and intermediate cities to access affordable and nutritious food, produced sustainably by more than 300,000 smallholders, belonging to more than 250 farmer organisations or related groups.  

Our global Sustainable Rice, Cocoa & Coffee and Good Food for Cities/GF4C (previously known as Food Smart Cities) programmes, will seek change in three key food system domains where Rikolto has particular strength:  

  • Sustainable production base  
  • Inclusive markets  
  • Enabling environments  


While this strategy builds on the 2017-2021 strategy and Rikolto's added value, it also represents a move towards embracing our work from the perspective of the food system. We recognise the need to engage more actively with stakeholders in areas related to our core business, such as nutrition, health, social inequality, urban governance, … These collaborations will prove critical in delivering our mission: a sustainable income for farmers and nutritious, affordable food for everyone.  

The programmes will test innovations in those domains through initiatives aimed at triggering structural changes to address the challenges that food systems pose. In addition, we will ensure strong emphasis on gender and youth throughout Rikolto's work and make concerted efforts to reduce biodiversity loss and environmental damage, address climate change impacts, and enhance food system resilience in the face of shocks and crises.  

We anticipate that the GF4C programme, which connects the urban consumers and rural producers, will become the central component of Rikolto´s work, contributing strategically to the achievement of sustainable food systems. These systems must allow consumers to access affordable and nutritious food that is produced sustainably by smallholder farmers, earning incomes that enable them to achieve dignified livelihoods and build resilience into farming, whilst regenerating their farms and the natural resources on which these rely.  

1.2. Rikolto's programme in Indonesia  

In Indonesia,  Rikolto implements programme in commodities (rice, cocoa and coffee) and good food for cities programmes.  

1.3. Rikolto's organisational structure  

The launch of this new strategy coincides with the culmination of a major overhaul in organisational structure, initiated in 2017 with Rikolto's rebranding and decentralisation. As of 2022, the main programme management structure will shift from regional offices to global programmes: Sustainable Rice, Cocoa & Coffee and GF4C.   

These programmes, composed of representatives from each regional team and a global programme director, have been in the driver's seat of the new strategy design and will continue to lead programme management at the global level. This ensures strategy alignment in all the countries we operate (with local accents), opens the door for internal learning and enables leveraging evidence generated worldwide in relevant global spaces.  

It is also important to know that the responsibility for M&E processes at the regional and country level is placed entirely within the local programme teams. We do not have any local staff that is specifically dedicated to M&E, just 2 coordinators at the global level.  


2.     Scope of the assignment  

The present assignment regarding the implementation of our 2022-2026 evaluation framework comprises the following components:  

  • Participation in the validation of the baseline report  
  • Implementation of the DGD mid-term evaluation in 2024  
  • Implementation of the DGD end-line evaluation in 2026  

These assignments shall be carried out for Indonesia It is however worth noting that these evaluations will be part of a larger evaluation exercise of one of Rikolto's global programmes. This is why these processes are overseen and coordinated by a team of international consultants who will assure quality and coherence among all evaluations. More details on the mode of collaboration between all parties involved can be found in the following section 3.2.  

2.1. Participation in the validation of the baseline report  

The international lead consultants will be in charge of developing Rikolto's 2022-26 evaluation framework and systematize all available data at country level into a baseline report corresponding with that framework. The agreed format for this baseline report is a concise Powerpoint presentation. This baseline report will be presented to and validated with the local Rikolto team. The local consultant is expected to participate in this validation meeting to already familiarize him/herself with the evaluation framework and the available data at local level and actively comment on it.   

2.2. Implementation of the DGD mid-term evaluation  

In 2024/5, the local evaluator shall coordinate and conduct the mid-term evaluation of the DGD programme in Indonesia. This includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:  

  • Review the proposed evaluation focus in light of on-the-ground evolution of implementation in Indonesia and the latest organisational priorities and submit for internal and donor approval (at the latest 1 month prior to the expected start of activities)  
  • Plan the evaluation process together with ADE and the local Rikolto team to make sure activities are feasible for everyone involved  
  • Collect qualitative data to complement the locally available data sources  
  • Organise the local sense-making processes  
  • Write up findings and answers to the evaluation questions, including recommendations for strategy adjustment  
  • Hold de-briefings with relevant teams  


2.3. Implementation of the DGD end-line evaluation  

In 2026/7, the local evaluator shall coordinate and conduct the endline evaluation of the DGD programme in Indonesia. This includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:  

  • Review the proposed evaluation focus in light of the on-the-ground evolution of implementation in Indonesia and the latest organisational priorities and submit for internal and donor approval (at the latest 1 month prior to the expected start of activities)  
  • Plan the evaluation process together with ADE and the local Rikolto team to make sure activities are feasible for everyone involved  
  • Collect qualitative data to complement the locally available data sources  
  • Organise the local sense-making processes  
  • Write up findings and answers to the evaluation questions, including recommendations for strategy adjustment  
  • Hold de-briefings with relevant teams  


3.     M&E system and evaluation principles  

3.1. M&E system of the 2022-2026 strategy  

Seizing the opportunity of the above-mentioned organizational restructuring, we have conducted a large internal and external review of our M&E system and toolkit. This resulted in a comprehensive programme management toolkit updated with new tools relevant for the 2022-2026 strategy, such as a multi-stakeholder process assessment tool, social return on investment analysis and evidence for impact toolkit, along with reviewed existing tools.  

The key guiding principles for this updated M&E system are utility for programme staff, multi-functionality (relevant for different donors), learning-oriented and supportive of the creation of evidence for more impact.  

Nonetheless, several challenges persist:  

  • Striking the right balance in our evaluation processes between learning, accountability, strategy improvement and external positioning of our work.  
  • Identifying the right indicators and variables that enable meaningful evaluations without overburdening staff with data collection.  
  • Smooth integration and data flow between the various M&E tools as to avoid double work   
  • Creation and ownership of evaluations that respond to the needs of global donors while staying relevant for internal learning and strategy adjustment.  


3.2. Evaluation methodology  


Key principles  

Based on past experiences, the chosen methodology for the 2022-2026 evaluation framework shall follow the following principles:  

  • Mix of field & desk evaluation: evaluations with in-country field visits were only conducted for outcomes with poor performance or with high learning potential. These field visits were conducted by the local consultant, which is part of the overall evaluation team. The remainder of outcomes was evaluated via desk study based on Rikolto's M&E data.  
  • Mix of internal and external evaluation: due to budgetary limitations the external consultants focused on assessing one case in depth per country, complemented by an internal evaluation of the remaining interventions contributing to the same outcome (supervised by the external evaluator). The external evaluator was responsible for the methodological setup of both the external and internal evaluation framework.  
  • Participatory approach for learning and strategy development: a participatory and co-creative approach that involves Rikolto staff and strengthens their critical reflection and strategic thinking skills alike, along with the involvement of other key stakeholders, like implementing partners, to foster joint learning, planning and ownership.  

In the frame of this approach, we are therefore looking for a local evaluator in Indonesia to collaborate with Rikolto and ADE, the selected international evaluation consultant, to implement our evaluation framework for the 2022-2026 programme period.  

Collaboration between Rikolto, the international and local evaluators  

Rikolto seeks to strengthen local evaluation capacity, embed the evaluation work in the local context dynamics and reduce our environmental footprint. Therefore, we decided to work with an international evaluation team composed of a lead evaluator in charge of the overall evaluation methodology and coordination, and local evaluators in charge of conducting the assessments on the ground.  

The international consultant chosen for this assignment is ADE ( Their technical proposal for this assignment can be consulted here. The local consultant is part of a larger consortium of evaluators, which, under the leadership and coordination of ADE, is responsible for the execution of the task as laid out in section 2 of these TOR. This set-up significantly determines the modus operandi between the local consultant, the lead consultant, and Rikolto. Concretely this means:  

  1. The approach, as mentioned in the proposal of the lead consultant, will be respected with regard to the working method and timing.  
  2. The local consultant has the obligation to adhere to instructions from ADE in terms of methodology, process, timing and format of deliverables.  
  3. Final deliverables at the local level are to be submitted to the lead consultant in the first instance to be reviewed and approved in terms of objectivity. Only after that the deliverables shall be submitted to Rikolto for final approval.   


4.     Budget and timeline  

  • The total amount of days budgeted for his assignment is about 24.5 working days over the whole assignment. The services must be provided in 3 periods of time:  
    • Validation of 2022 baseline report: 0.5 days, December 2022  
    • Mid-term evaluation: 12 days, September 2024-March 2025 (approx.)  
    • End-line evaluation: 12 days, September 2026-March 2027 (approx.)  
  • Should the local Rikolto team want the local consultant to assume additional responsibilities as the ones outlined in these TOR, additional days shall be negotiated between the two parties.  


5.     Required profile  

We are looking for a local consultant, based in Indonesia, that has:  

  • Solid M&E background and work experience (at least 5 years)  
  • Expertise with impact assessments, preferably in food systems, for large donors, such as DGD, EU, USAID, UNEP, Enable and the like.  
  • Solid understanding of change dynamics in food systems, upscaling dynamics, policy environment, agricultural value chains (especially coffee, cocoa, rice) and farmer organisation capacity development including the level of urban consumer and its supplies.  
  • Capacity to provide critical-constructive feedback and transmit suggestions for improvement to a local team of collaborators (local Rikolto team)  
  • Ability to write clear and concise reports, including realistic and relevant recommendations  
  • Professional fluency in English  


6.     Application process  

Candidates are requested to submit their application/proposal to Rikolto Indonesia email:  by September 5th 2022 including the following information:  

  • CV   
  • List of relevant experience in relation to the work at hand  
  • Sample of past impact evaluation reports (max. 2)  
  • Daily fee rate, incl. all local taxes  


We expect to have interviews with the shortlisted candidates shortly after the application deadline. Should you have any questions related to the details of this assignment please reach out to us for further information. 



Human Resources - Recruitment    

Rikolto in Indonesia 

[newdevjobsindo] EJF: Indonesia Net Free Seas Project Coordinator

Indonesia Net Free Seas Project Coordinator

Based in Jakarta, Indonesia


The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) is an international non-governmental organisation working globally to protect people and the planet. EJF is working in Indonesia to combat illegal and overfishing practices as well as actively promote improvements to policy- making, corporate governance and management of fisheries and coastal areas. As part of this we are launching a 'Net Free Seas' pilot project to end the practice of discarding fishing nets at sea or on the coast, where they cause damage to ecosystems.


The Net Free Seas (NFS) project was first launched in Thailand in 2020. It aims to stop the flow of abandoned, lost, discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) into our oceans whilst empowering local communities to feel that they are part of the recycling solution by giving them the tools to collect and clean the nets themselves.


EJF is seeking a Net Free Seas project coordinator to join the team and expand this project to Indonesia. This position will include engaging with local fishing communities, recycling companies, and Indonesian government agencies to deliver key project objectives including: researching fishing communities to become part of the project, engaging with community members and local leaders to facilitate understanding and participation, as well as coordinating the retrieval and subsequent collection of discarded/waste fishing nets.


Successful candidates should be comfortable working independently and be confident in public speaking and community engagement. They will be adept at conducting administrative tasks related to online data collection and storage and should be adept at using Microsoft Office applications including Word and Excel. They should also have access to a vehicle and be prepared to travel within Indonesia.


Post Title: Indonesia Net Free Seas project coordinator

Type of appointment: Fixed-term

Remuneration: $1,100 per month, depending on experience

Duration of contract: 1 year (potentially renewable or convertible to a permanent position, subject to performance review)

Location: Jakarta based with need to travel often.


This position is open to Indonesian citizens only.


Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

        Lead the implementation of the Net Free Seas pilot in Indonesia.

        Meet with and consult with coastal communities to see if they would be interested in participating in Net Free Seas.

        Conduct training exercises and seminars with communities to disseminate information and simple to understand knowledge to participants.

        Serve as a communication focal point between project stakeholders including government agencies, recycling partners, CSOs, and local communities.

        Support coordination and collaboration efforts between EJF and the Net Free Seas project and relevant government agencies at the national level for addressing abandoned, lost, and discarded fishing gear (ALDFG).  

        Identify and build partnerships with fishing net recyclers and product manufacturers to facilitate the efficient recycling of fishing nets as well as the manufacturing of high-quality products originating from netting material.  


Essential skills and experience:

-          Fluency in Bahasa and professional proficiency in English language

-          A degree in any relevant discipline (journalism, social science, environmental science, marine sciences, plastic pollution or marine-based debris, etc)

-          A minimum of three years of relevant work experience (community development, journalism, NGOs, private sector, field work, etc)

-          Demonstrable experience forming and maintaining relationships with various stakeholders

-          Experience in conducting desk-based and/or field-based investigations or research projects

-          Strong communication, excellent data analysis, research and writing skills.

-          Familiarity with Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, etc)

-          Car driving licence and access to vehicle.

-          Professional proficiency in English language strongly preferred


Desirable skills and experience:

-          A higher degree in a relevant discipline

-          Demonstrable interest in or experience working on any of the following topics; marine conservation issues; fisheries issues; plastic pollution; plastic recycling; waste management.

-          Professional camera experience (film or photography)

-          Ability to work independently

-          Experience in coordinating, managing and building projects of a similar nature or theme. 


Deadline:  30 September 2022  (applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis)

Please submit a CV with covering letter to:

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