[newdevjobsindo] TERM OF REFERENCE Assessment of- Conflict and Social Polarization in Lampung (Indonesia) and Liquica (Timor Leste) - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 27 Februari 2023

[newdevjobsindo] TERM OF REFERENCE Assessment of- Conflict and Social Polarization in Lampung (Indonesia) and Liquica (Timor Leste)



Assessment of- Conflict and Social Polarization in Lampung (Indonesia) and Liquica (Timor Leste)



Project ID

: EU-Strengthening Social Cohesion Project


: Activity 1.1 (A1.1)


: February 14, 2023

Working days

: 60



Strengthening Social Cohesion Project: Promoting Inclusive and Culture-Based Practices for Conflict Prevention, Preparedness, and Resolution through Youth-Focused Peacebuilding in Indonesia and Timor-Leste is an EU-funded project implementing by ChildFund International in Indonesia in collaboration with the ChildFund Australia in Timor Leste, Yayasan Pengembangan Sosial Katolik in Lampung, Ba Futuru, and Belun. Overall objective: Communities in Lampung (Indonesia) and Liquiçá (Timor-Leste) live in increased peace by enhanced conflict prevention and resolution through culture-based practices.  Specific objective is: "Empowered and connected, youth-focused CSOs actively contribute to peacebuilding, conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution by integrating culture-based practices


The project will support the youth-based organization, schools, local government, and religious leaders in South Lampung and Liquica Districts to: (i) improve capacity of youth-led CSOs and community actors to promote peacebuilding, conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution: (ii) strengthened peace education with a focus on culture-based practices in secondary schools; and (iii) enrich public narrative and dialogue by youth-led CSOs, youth changemakers, and networks on peacebuilding, conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution toward traditional leaders, administrators, and communities at large.


Assessment of the traditional and cultural-based practices as a basis for planning the intervention is the initial activity of the SSCP. This assessment is an entry point to plan an intervention that will fit to the context, needs, and addressing the existing gap in peacebuilding and social cohesion.  At the design stage, the project team have identified key contributing and constraining factors leading to social tension and conflicts. In Lampung, segregation based on religion, ethnics, settlements, gender, and ages determining intra-group and inter-group trusts and social polarization.


Ineffective cultural-based value and mechanism to facilitate interaction among the groups will potentially escalate the lack of trust into tension or conflicts. To develop an effective trust and peace-building mechanism, efficacy of the current cultural-based values (Piil Pesenggiri) and existing peace-building mechanism (Rembug Desa), integrating of the value and mechanism into the existing formal justice and trust-building system need to be identified and assessed. In Liquica, youth are frequently disempowered due to economic, political, and social exclusion exacerbated by the low quality of education, limited opportunities, high unemployment rates and the youth bulge. These factors made youth vulnerable to be recruited by the martial art groups (MAG) and trapped into a violence. To develop an effective intervention in Liquica, an assessment needs to be conducted to identify the existing situation of the violence perpetrated by youth.




Assessment will be conducted in Lampung (Indonesia) and Liquica (Timor Leste) as part of the initial activity of the EU-funded Strengthening Social Cohesion Project. This in-depth field assessment will be conducted for several objectives:

·       To assess the existing contexts that have potential implication to social tension or conflicts. The context here includes the public election in 2023 in Timor Leste, the preparation of the public election in Indonesia in 2024, and the other factors causing social polarizations.

·       To assess the existing cultural-based value and mechanisms existing in Lampung and Liquica to be promoted as alternative dispute resolution (ADR), conflict resolution, and prevention. The culture-based values and mechanisms are piil pesenggiri and rembug desa in Lampung and nahe biti bo'ot and tara bandu in Liquica.

·       To assess the existing factors in Lampung and Liquica and their contribution to the conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution through trust-building measures, dialogue, and peacebuilding efforts. The pre-identified factors are settlement, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic inequalities, sex, and age.

·       To identify stakeholders/actors including institutions and their influence in promoting and integrating the culture-based values and mechanisms into the current conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution.

·       To formulate recommendation for the project team the most effective approaches to integrate and promote the culture-based values and mechanisms into the current conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution.



The following results are expected to be produced by the selected consultant or expert team by the end of the assignment:

·       1 comprehensive reports in English explaining the existing cultural-based value and mechanism in Lampung, the factor determining the efficacy of the value and mechanism in conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution, the existing and potential roles of actors in integrating and promoting the value and mechanisms, and the recommended strategy, approach, and steps to reduce the constraints factors and promote the contributing factors for integrating the culture-based value and mechanism in conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution.

·       1 comprehensive reports in English explaining the existing cultural-based value and mechanism in Liquica, the factor determining the efficacy of the value and mechanism in conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution, the existing and potential roles of actors in integrating and promoting the value and mechanisms, and the recommended strategy, approach, and steps to reduce the constraints factors and promote the contributing factors for integrating the culture-based value and mechanism in conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution.

·       1 set of evidence (photos and statements) collecting from the field to illustrate the contexts, the contributing factors, and constraining factors for integrating the culture-based value and mechanism in conflict prevention, preparedness, and resolution



To assess the context, contributing and constraint factors, role of stakeholders, and to formulate the recommended strategy and approaches, the consultant or expert team for this assignment need to satisfy the following criteria:

·       Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in alternative dispute resolution, administration, human resources management, law, social sciences or related area.

·       Experience in research or studies on dispute resolution, social institution, indigenous knowledge and traditional laws, and community empowerment.

·       Able to provide the sound and appropriate research methodology to address the objective and the expected results of this assignment.

·       Excellent command of English for report writing and documentation.

·       Knowledge about the related cultural-based values and mechanism for conflict prevention and resolution for the area of the study.



An interested party for this assignment required to submit their proposal outlining the technical capacity and financial capacity to meet the assignment objectives and results. The technical capacity should inform the selection team the: (i) methodology to address the objectives, (ii) techniques to be applied in data analysis, (iii) results of the analysis to be presented in the accomplishment report; and (iv) resume of the assessment team. The financial capacity should be presented in budget plan for conducting the assignment.



The assigned consultant or expert team required to submit 2 final report after the completion of this assignments (1 report to cover the results of the assessment in Lampung and 1 Liquica). The report should be presented in the following format.

·       Report title: Assessment of Conflict and Social Polarization in Lampung/Liquica

·       Introduction: Describing the scope and the objective of the assignments

·       Methodology: Outlining the technical approaches in collecting and analyzing data and information for addressing the objective of the study.

·       Results: Presenting and analyzing the findings based on the available quantitative and qualitative data to address the objective of the assessment.

·       Analysis of the findings: Synthesizing the findings to address the objective of this assessment, potential opportunities, and constraints for achieving the objectives, and implications to the project and the communities,

·       Recommendation: Outlining the best strategy to integrate and promote the cultural-based value and mechanisms by considering the identified context/factors, stakeholders, institution, and the duration of the project.

·       Annexes: Containing information on contact list of the participants of the assessment, photos reflecting the assessment processes; data or additional information relevant to the assessment.



The selected consultants or expert team for this assignment will implement the task based on the following timeframe:



Estimated Days


Initial meeting for aligning the selected proposal to the objective of the assignment

5 work-days


Transfer the advance payment for the consultant/expert team

1 work-day


Field assessment in Lampung

10 work-days


Field assessment in Liquica

10 work-days


Present the rough assessment results for Lampung

1 work-days


Report writing for Lampung

10 work-days


Present the rough assessment results for Liquica

1 work-day


Report writing for Liquica

10 work-days


Integrating the ChildFund inputs into the final report

10 work-days (5 for Lampung; 5 for Liquica)


Submit the final reports

1 work-days


Final payments

1 work-days



60 work-days

Completed proposals should be submitted in electronic format to indonesiaoffice@childfund.org latest by 8th March 2023 with subject line 'EU-Strengthening Social Cohesion Project – proposal'.


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