[newdevjobsindo] Term of Reference for the Final Evaluation of the Zero Exlusion Programme - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 23 Agustus 2023

[newdevjobsindo] Term of Reference for the Final Evaluation of the Zero Exlusion Programme






The purpose of this consultancy is to evaluate the “Zero Exclusion” Programme of the NLR Alliance for the period 2020-2023 in NLR target countries and provide a comprehensive document which should include the main achievements, best practices developed, lessons learned and recommendations. 




NLR is a Non-Governmental Organisation that works towards a world free of leprosy.  In 2015, NLR decided to embark on a process of decentralization that will lead the organisation to transform into the NLR Alliance; a network of locally-rooted leprosy organisations. The Alliance currently includes: NLR International Office, in the Netherlands, NLR Nepal, NLR India and NLR Indonesia as independent non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and NHR Brazil and NLR Mozambique, which are in a transition phase towards independent NGOs. 


Since 2020 NLR Alliance members have implemented a three-year multi-annual strategy which envisioned: 

      Zero Transmission of the leprosy bacteria. We have to break the chain of transmission in order to eliminate the disease.

      Zero Disability due to leprosy. Most disabilities can be prevented.

      Zero Exclusion. No person affected by leprosy should be excluded from society.


Each organisation operating in leprosy endemic countries has developed a package of projects that have addressed Zero Exclusion or more Zeros in combination. 

Because of the delays in implementation related to COVID-19 the strategy has been extended to include also 2023. 


Zero Exclusion


The Zero Exclusion programme focuses on the improvement of the lives of persons affected by leprosy and persons with disabilities through their inclusion and participation in society. 

The main objective of the Zero Exclusion Programme has been formulated as: 

By 2022 persons with disabilities due to leprosy in target areas in five countries will have improved their lives by having access to comprehensive services and by participating in community activities.

The programme aimed at the following main changes: 

      Persons with a disability due to leprosy are empowered and able to jointly voice their concerns and needs.

      Duty bearers are accountable and address the specific needs and interests of persons with disability due to leprosy.

      Existing policies and practices become increasingly inclusive.


The key interventions included:

      Support, research on and piloting new approaches that lead towards Disability Inclusive Communities. 

      Supporting Self Help Groups of persons with disabilities due to leprosy and other causes to organise themselves and work on the priorities of their members

      Training and advising Organisations of Persons with a Disability (OPDs) and organisations of persons affected by leprosy on how to claim their rights using international treaties such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN Principles for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons Affected by Leprosy and their Family Members, and existing national laws

      Training and advising OPDs and organisations of persons affected by leprosy on leprosy so they include persons affected by leprosy and play an active role in leprosy control and treatment programmes

      Training and advising OPDs and organisations of persons affected by leprosy to train key stakeholders in the community on inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream development programmes

      Advocacy towards governments for uptake of successful inclusive models and approaches, so that they can be replicated on a larger scale

      Share successes with other organisations, such as our ILEP partners in order to learn from one another and promote upscaling of best practices


Scope of work: 


Target audience and needs:

The evaluation aims to provide useful information and insights to

NLR Alliance leadership and technical experts (Technical advisors, PMEL staff, Researchers, Project Managers) focusing on inclusion and wellbeing of persons affected by leprosy from the 6 offices of the NLR Alliance (Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands). The evaluation report will also be used by fundraising and communication, advocacy and research staff.  NLR will share the main findings of the evaluation with partners and stakeholders. 

Evaluation description

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide a reasoned overview of the interventions implemented in the framework of the Zero Exclusion Programme in NLR target countries from 2020 onwards and to analyse the main successes, challenges and lessons learned, to review the theory of change underlying the projects and advise on the development of new interventions. 

The evaluation will be conducted mainly remotely, through the analysis of existing documentation, data and other reviews and evaluations carried out in the different countries. 

With a participatory approach, the evaluation should also gather additional information through key-informant interviews, including persons affected by leprosy, and guiding the generation of additional Outcome Descriptions, according to the Outcome Harvesting methodology. 

The consultant, if resident in one of the endemic countries could also consider the utilisation of other tools and methodologies, including the organisation of meetings and field visits to nearby locations. 

An online workshop with the technical experts involved in Zero Exclusion will contribute to the analysis and validation of the main findings. 


·         Analyse the results on the basis of the main elements of the Theory of Change underlying the Zero Exclusion projects, focusing in particular on NLR approaches to strengthen organisations and groups of persons affected by leprosy, their sustainability and advocacy work

·         Identify advantages and disadvantages of working with organisations addressing broader issues such as disability or other Neglected Tropical Diseases

·         Compare different models and approaches used in different countries and identify their strengths and weaknesses

·         Document achievements and changes made towards impact

·         Consolidate and disseminate lessons learned and main recommendations for future strategies and plans

Main tasks

·         Attend an orientation meeting with NLR International Office and finalise the consultancy work plan

·         Lead on all logistical planning and arrangements of the data collection activities

·         Work collaboratively with the PMEL colleagues and Zero exclusion leads to conduct the evaluation 

·         Review and analyse the available data, reports and additional documentation

·         Conduct key informant interviews (25-30 KIIs are estimated to be conducted, 5-6 per country)

·         Review and facilitate the development of new Outcome Descriptions, according to the Outcome Harvesting methodology, through meetings and workshops 

·         Conduct the data analysis 

·         Formulate the preliminary findings

·         Facilitate validation workshop with NLR Zero Exclusion experts

·         Develop and finalise an Evaluation Report

·         Present the results to NLR leadership

Expected Deliverables:

1.       Semi-structured interview guide

2.       Recording/transcript of each interview 

3.       Summary of the interviews, with main findings

4.       Newly developed Outcome Descriptions, according to NLR format, and updated overview of collected outcome descriptions

5.       Power Point Presentations or other material developed in the framework of the consultancy

6.       Preliminary findings document

7.       Validation workshop outline and summary

8.                   Final report  

Person Specification

For this assignment the Consultant is expected to have: 

·         Extensive experience in the evaluation of projects and programmes aiming at social change

·         Expertise in the use of Outcome Harvesting for the evaluation

·         Proficiency in English

·         Ability to speak Portuguese, Hindi, Nepali or Bahasa or involve a co-evaluator(s) speaking those languages would be an asset. 

·         Experience with leprosy related projects will be an asset

·         Residence in one of the leprosy endemic countries of NLR Alliance will be an asset. 

·         NLR encourages persons affected by leprosy or persons with disabilities to apply for this role

Duration of Consultancy

We estimate 30 days of work. A more specific proposal is expected to be developed by the consultant and can be revised in defining the plan. The main finding of the evaluation should be available by Mid-November 2023 to be presented to NLR leadership in a general meeting tentatively planned for the end of Novemberbeginning of December.


Deadline and submission of expression of interest


NLR strives for equal opportunities for everyone. We encourage people with a disability to apply.  Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated.


NLR invites interested Evaluators to submit the following documents/items by 27/08/2023 to this email address: vacaturesNLR@leprastichting.nl


     Expression of interest (EoI) outlining how the evaluator meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the ToR.  

     A summarized description of the scope of work and the intended methodology to be used as well as a tentative work plan including activities and time frames.  

     Names and contacts of three recent professional referees (previous clients) for whom similar work has been conducted. 

     If available, an example of similar pieces of work completed recently, also by sharing hyperlinks.  

     Curriculum vitae (CV) outlining relevant qualifications and experience.

     Itemized financial proposal.


Documents can be presented as separated attachments or as a single file. 


For questions and requests of clarification you can write to Valeria Pecchioni v.pecchioni@nlrinternational.org

More about NLR 


NLR wants to end the age-old disease leprosy once and for all. Still every year 200.000 new leprosy patients are diagnosed worldwide and millions of people live with the serious consequences of leprosy due to discrimination and exclusion. Unnecessary, because timely detection and treatment can prevent further infection. NLR is an international NGO that aims for a world without leprosy and its consequences. In our strategy we focus on Zero Transmission, Zero Disability and Zero Exclusion. 


NLR is a strong believer in collaboration. NGOs with the same mission in Brazil, Indonesia, India, Nepal and Mozambique are part of the NLR Alliance and are supported by our international office based in Amsterdam. As an active partner in international networks such as the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy and the International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP), together we make a significant impact towards our mission. NLR is a global forerunner in conducting and promoting leprosy research and driving evidence-based innovation.


About 40 people work in our international office in Amsterdam and 200 total globally. NLR, in the

Netherlands better known as Leprastichting, is an ANBI with CBF recognition and is supported by 45,000 donors and leading institutional donors including the Nationale Postcode Loterij. 


For more information visit our websites: www.nlrinternational.org and www.leprastichting.nl


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